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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede
Information on the biology and appearance of Vash the Stampede in Trigun Stampede (2023).
Physical Characteristics: Basic Physiology | Drain Gate | Hair | Plant Markings | Plant Wing and Flight | Portal Gate | Roots and Flowers | Scars, Amputation, and Healing | Strength and Agility
Wardrobe and Accessories: Clothing | Duffel Bag | Earring | Energy Bullets | Energy Cube | Glasses | Gun and Marksmanship | Personal Belongings | Prosthetic Angel Arm | Prosthetic Arm
Other: Bounty | Music | Personality | Plant Communication and Healing | Relationships | Toma Equestrianism
Known Items
The personal belonging listed here are items Vash keeps or uses that are not covered in another category. There is no full inventory of Vash’s personal belongings, but several items have been seen. Those items are listed below.

As an adult, Vash appears to stay consistently on the move, and therefore his personal belongings must all fit either on his person or in his duffel bag. However it’s also possible that he has caches — hidden stashes of clothing, food, water, tools, etc — that he makes use of either regularly or in emergencies.
While we see Vash’s residence at SEEDS03, no personal belongings are seen there aside from photographs, though there may be items in storage. 150 years after he was given the room in “Our Home”, Vash’s room is visibly almost completely unchanged. While there may have been a period when Vash did have visible personal belongings in SEEDS03, as an adult Vash appears to only spend time there sporadically, for prosthetic repairs and some degree of recuperation or medical help.
Vash’s bullets are explored in Gun and Marksmanship.
Family Photos
Vash carries a framed photo of Rem Saverem, along with Vash and Knives as children, taken in the SEEDS05 garden. The photo is seen in the present day as one of Vash’s personal belongings on his desk in Jeneora Rock, in “The Running Man“.
This photo was first seen in a room on SEEDS05. While we do not seen anything other than the photo and an encased geranium, Vash went to this room looking for both Rem and Knives, so it could have been one of their personal rooms. It was clearly an important photo for whoever lived in the room.

After The Big Fall, the photo was found in the SEEDS05 wreckage by Brad and brought to SEEDS03, along with several other of Vash’s family photos. However, at least initially in “Our Home“, Vash is only given the first photo, and the other photos do not make a further appearance. When Vash runs away to find Knives, he brings the photo with him.

While Brad and Luida Leitner were suspicious of Vash for a time and could have kept the other photos from for their own reasons, at some point they must have give him them to him. These photos could now be stored in SEEDS03, kept in Vash’s duffel or elsewhere, or possibly something happened to them and they were damaged or lost.

The other three family photos show an even younger Vash and Knives. In one, they are sitting together at a table and appear to be using data tablets. In another, they are sitting with Rem in the SEEDS05 garden. In the last, the three of them are sitting together somewhere else in the ship, and Rem’s arm is around Knives’ shoulders.
Fast Loader
Vash’s fast loader is explored in Gun and Marksmanship.
In “HUNGRY!“, Vash uses a flashlight to search for Meryl, Roberto, and the disguised Zazie the Beast. It’s small but with a decently powerful beam, and the outside appears to be a gray metal.

Gun Maintenance Tools
Vash’s gun maintenance tools are explored in Gun and Marksmanship.
Portable Radio
Vash carries a small portable radio. It is not clear how it is powered, but it could be using a battery.
Given Vash’s nomadic lifestyle and the need to conserve energy, a radio powered by hand crank would also be practical. A crank is not visible but it could be out of view on the back.
SEEDS03 Photos
In his room on SEEDS03, Vash keeps a number of photos of himself with the SEEDS03 crew.
On the table in his room, he keeps a framed photo of himself as a child, along with Luida, Brad, and 22 other people, taken in the SEEDS03 garden.

Getaway Toma
In “The Running Man“, Vash leads the Nebraskas away from Jeneora Rock on tomaback. The toma has two saddlebags as well as a bedroll. While these could be Vash’s belongings, they are probably not as these items do not make any further appearance. They likely belong to the toma’s actual owner.

Speculation on other contents of Vash’s duffel includes:
Personal Care
- Bedding, such as a bedroll and sleeping pad
- Shelter, such as a tent or tarp
- Note: While rain is not a concern, sandstorms are.
- Clothing
- First aid kit
- Toiletries
- Towels
Food and Drink
- Cooking gear and utensils
- Food, especially dried or preserved food
- Portable stove or other heat source
- Note: Due to the lack of wood, there would not be traditional campfires on No Man’s Land.
- Toma feed or snacks
- Water
- Cash – Double dollars and coins
- Communication device(s)
- Compass
- Note: It is unclear how the planet’s magnetic field is oriented.
- Foldable shovel or spade
- Hand axe for climbing or breaking rock
- ID cards
- Note: Vash may have forged identity cards for use when necessary, such as gaining access to dependent plants.
- Knife and knife sharpener or whetstone
- Map
- Note: Vash may not need a map, relying on experience and memory. However others would need a map and he might have one to share.
- Multitool
- Plant maintenance tools and parts
- Prosthetic arm repair tools and parts
- Portable battery which could be recharged in towns or plant stations, or a portable generator that uses solar panels or a hand crank
- Music player and headphones
- Personal mementoes
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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede