Trigun Stampede (2023): 01 NOMAN’S LAND | 02 The Running Man | 03 Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness | 04 HUNGRY! | 05 Child of Blessing | 06 Once Upon A Time In Hopeland | 07 WOLFWOOD | 08 Our Home | 09 Millions Knives | 10 Humanity | 11 To a New World | 12 High Noon at July
Songs: TOMBI (Opening Credits) | Stars α (Ending Credits) | Saint’s March (Episode 12 Ending Credits)
Airdate: January 28, 2023
Source: Crunchyroll
Transcribers: Versaphile and schakerin
Subtitle Files: JPN -> ENG Full Subs | English Dub Full Subs | English Dub Forced Subs (on-screen text + lyrics only) – TBD
Three days after Jeneora Rock, Vash, Meryl, and Roberto are traveling through the desert to JuLai. Vash has refused any food for three days. Meryl runs over Nicholas D. Wolfwood, a suspicious undertaker who carries a huge cross. When they bring him to a rest stop for help, they discover more grisly deaths and a lone surviving child. After they bury the dead, a grand worm attacks, swallowing all of them. The five search for a way out of the giant worm, but they disappear one by one. Vash and Nicholas are ejected from the worm, but Vash insists on going back in. They discover that the child is actually Zazie the Beast, an avatar for the worm collective consciousness. Zazie escapes. Nicholas reveals that his cross is a massive, multi-function weapon, and bisects the grand worm with a powerful laser, saving Vash, Meryl, and Roberto. Vash, feeling better, accepts food again. Nicholas joins the group, tagging along after Vash. Later, Nicholas meets with Zazie, and it’s revealed that the entire adventure was orchestrated by them so that Nicholas could infiltrate the group and earn Vash’s trust.
Carrying His Own Tombstone
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
A large piece of meat is roasted over a fire, and liquid drips off it. Three bandits sit around the fire eating noisily. They are dressed for the desert heat and wear hats, goggles, and face veils. A medium-sized worm carcass is beside them. | |
Bandit A: Fresh meat is the best meat! Bandit B: I’d love to try plant-based food before I die! Bandit C: How extravagant! Bandit B: Anyway, the Worms were awfully irritated today. Bandit A: Hm? | Bandit A: Mmm, so good. There’s nothing that beats a belly full of fresh meat! Bandit B: Maybe, but before I die, I wanna chow down on some grub made from plants! Bandit C: And I wanna be king of the sand! Bandit B: Shut up! You’re gonna get me as pissed off as the worms were today. Bandit A: What the…? |
Heat ripples over the expanse of the desert. A man in black, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, is walking. He carries a huge, wrapped cross on his back: The Punisher. | |
Bandit A: What’s with that guy? Bandit B: He’s in a suit in the middle of the desert! Bandit C: He’s not long for this world. Bandit B: No kidding! He’s carrying his own tombstone! | Bandit A: Huh, that guy. Yall see him? Bandit B: Why’s he wearing a suit out here? Bandit C: He’s not long for this world. Bandit B: At least he’s prepared– dead man’s got his own tombstone! |
All three bandits laugh. Nicholas D. Wolfwood stops, sweating and panting from the heat. Title card: #04 HUNGRY! The TOMBI Opening Credits sequence plays. |
He Hasn’t Eaten
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Meryl and Roberto’s car travels through the desert. Meryl Stryfe has a small fan pointed at her as she drives. Roberto looks out the window, bored. Vash the Stampede is sprawled out in the backseat, sound asleep and snoring softly. | |
Radio Host: It’s been three days since the tragedy in Jeneora Rock. Meryl Stryfe: (sighs) I can’t believe he’s sleeping so soundly. Radio Host: The chain of incidents has been linked to the wanted criminal Vash the Stampede. Additionally, a man and a woman have been identified as possible accomplices. The seven cities’ military police are also searching for them as persons of interest. Meryl Stryfe: So now we’re wanted, too? If headquarters finds out, we’ll be fired. Meryl Stryfe: (groans nervously) Radio Host: And now, the weather for the seven cities… | Radio Host: Three days have passed since tragedy struck Jeneora Rock. Meryl Stryfe: (sighs) Rocked the big baby to sleep… Radio Host: Officials say the incident was caused by wanted criminal Vash the Stampede. He’s said to be traveling with both a man and a woman, both of whom have been identified as possible accomplices. The Seven Cities Military Police have added the pair to their search as persons of interest. Meryl Stryfe: Incredible! So now we’re wanted too?! Roberto De Niro: If this gets back around to headquarters, we’re sacked. Meryl Stryfe: (groans nervously) Radio Host: Next up, your weather forecast– |
Roberto De Niro turns the radio off. He picks up a sandwich wrapped in paper and offers it to Meryl Stryfe. | |
Roberto De Niro: It’s his. He doesn’t want it. Meryl Stryfe: What? But yesterday… Roberto De Niro: He hasn’t eaten. Not since that day. | Roberto De Niro: It was his. But he hasn’t touched it. Meryl Stryfe: Huh? I can’t steal his food. Roberto De Niro: He hasn’t had a bite since that whole mess went down. |
In the rearview mirror, Vash the Stampede continues to sleep, snoring softly. | |
Roberto De Niro: Only god really knows what goes on inside someone. | Roberto De Niro: What’s going through that spikey head of his…? Heh, I suppose that’s between him and God. Hm? |
As their car travels through the desert, the sky above is filled with a mass of green light, similar to an aurora. | |
Meryl Stryfe: A sandstorm? Roberto De Niro: No, those are… Worms. | Meryl Stryfe: Huh? A sandstorm? Roberto De Niro: Close, but no cigar. More like a worm-storm. |
Meryl Stryfe grimaces and groans, disgusted. | |
Roberto De Niro: In these parts, they’re an important source of protein. If you can stomach the way they look, they’re not bad. Meryl Stryfe: I think stomaching that would be the hard part. | Roberto De Niro: Around these parts, worms are considered an important source of protein. If you can stomach their appearance, they make for pretty decent food. Meryl Stryfe: Suddenly starvation doesn’t sound all that bad to me… |
Roberto De Niro chuckles heartily, but cuts off with a gasp as he sees Nicholas D. Wolfwood suddenly in front of the car. Roberto reaches over Meryl Stryfe and wrenches the wheel to the left, but the vehicle fishtails and the trailer attached to the back slams into Nicholas and flings him away. The car screeches to a halt. Meryl groans. Vash the Stampede has fallen and his feet are sticking up in the air. He pulls himself upright with a gasp. Outside the car, Meryl runs up to Nicholas to crouches over him. Vash and Roberto walk up and stand close, looking on in concern. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Are you all right?! | Meryl Stryfe: Hey! Are you okay?! |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood is lying on the ground, barely conscious and groaning. There is blood on his face and his eyes have rolled back in his head. His left eye and right hand twitch. |
Plant Station
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
The car launches over a sand dune and careens across the desert. In the foreground, the three bandits from earlier watch with confusion as they transport two medium-sized worms they’ve hunted. Inside the car, Meryl drives in a panic. | |
Meryl Stryfe: You’re not dying on me! | Meryl Stryfe: There’s no dying on my watch, mister! |
In the back seat, Vash the Stampede holds on to Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Vash’s eyes are wide with worry as Nicholas groans, barely conscious. The car skids to a stop at a run-down fuel station. On the roof is a large stylized lightbulb and a sign underneath that says “PLANT Station”. There is also a small satellite dish. Meryl jumps out of the car, skids around the back, then bursts through the front door of the station. Behind her, Vash carries a barely conscious Nicholas with one arm slung over his shoulder. Roberto walks up behind Meryl. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Excuse me! This man is hurt… | Meryl Stryfe: We need help! This man is hurt! Th… huh? |
Inside the station, a grey-haired man lies dead, slumped against a bloodied support post. His head appears to have been smashed against the post. A grey-haired woman lies dead on the ground beside him in a pool of blood. | |
Roberto De Niro: It’s too late for these folks. Meryl Stryfe: They came all the way out here? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: They? | Roberto De Niro: Our roadkill’s got nothing on them… Meryl Stryfe: This level of violence… Could it be…? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Could it be who? |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood, who was being supported by Vash the Stampede, shrugs off Vash’s hold and stands up on his own. A small banging sound comes from an old locker in the corner of the room. After a moment, Vash goes to investigate. He opens the door and looks down to see a child crouched and hiding, shivering with fear. The child is a disguised Zazie the Beast. |
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Outside the station, Roberto De Niro begins charging the vehicle battery. Nicholas D. Wolfwood sighs as he carries over the wrapped Punisher. Nicholas places the Punisher firmly in the sand between the two burial mounds for the dead man and woman. It tilts to one side. Disguised Zazie the Beast stands to one side, and Vash the Stampede and Meryl Stryfe stand solemn on the other side. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Okay… O father in heaven, | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: And… there! Uh… Heavenly Father, who art in heaven… |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood pulls out a bottle of water and uncaps it. He crouches down and drinks from the bottle, then pours some into his hand. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: forgive us our sins as we forgive our neighbors. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Forgive us our sins, oh Lord, as we forgive those who sin against us. |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood tosses the water in his hand over one grave and repeats the action again over the other. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: May you accept our fallen brethren and welcome the departed to your… What is it? Welcome them to your… dinner? | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Please welcome their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed into your… into your… What is it? Welcome them into your humble abode…? |
Vash the Stampede and Meryl Stryfe both startle as they realize Nicholas D. Wolfwood doesn’t know the right words to his prayer. They look at each other in confusion, then at Nicholas in disbelief. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: No, that’s a meal. Deliver them unto your… design? No, nobody’s talking about fashion. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Into your pearly gates? Nah, that sounds odd… Deliver unto them… deliverance? Not quite, but I’m getting there. |
The cross starts to fall over and Nicholas D. Wolfwood fumbles ungracefully trying to catch it before it falls onto one of the graves, dropping the water bottle in the process. He rights it, coughs, and puts his hands together in prayer. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Uh, give us a drive… He’s not your chauffeur, you idiot. Meryl Stryfe: Are you really a priest? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I’m no priest. Just an undertaker. Now back off. You’re ruining it. Meryl Stryfe: Anyway, what’s this cross? It’s way too huge. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Um. Make sure there’s some empty chairs, they’re kingdom coming, so! Meryl Stryfe: That’s enough! You’re not really a priest, huh? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: No, I’m not. I’m an undertaker. Scram, will ya, you’re messing with my mojo. Meryl Stryfe: (grunts) What’s with the cross? You lookin to crucify somebody? It’s like, stupidly big. |
Meryl Stryfe reaches up to touch the wrapped Punisher, and Nicholas D. Wolfwood pulls the Punisher away from her. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Hey, keep your mitts off of it. Meryl Stryfe: What? | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Woah there. No touchy, little lady. Meryl Stryfe: You… |
You Still Deserve To Eat
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Vash the Stampede walks up to Nicholas D. Wolfwood and Meryl Stryfe, stopping their argument. | |
Vash the Stampede: Hey, you two. | Vash the Stampede: Take it easy… |
Vash the Stampede glances pointedly to where the disguised Zazie the Beast is staring blankly at the graves. Nicholas D. Wolfwood groans and places the Punisher firmly back into the sand, then walks over to Zazie. Nicholas pulls a red lollipop from the inside pocket of his jacket. He unwraps the lollipop and sticks it into his mouth. He crouches down to Zazie’s level, then pulls out a blue lollipop and offers it to them. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Here. You’re hungry, right? It’s good. Meryl Stryfe: Maybe you should leave him be. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I lost my parents, too. I grew up in an orphanage. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Hey. You lookin’ hungry. It’s yummy. Meryl Stryfe: Just leave the kid be– Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I’m like you. I lost my parents, too. Grew up in an orphanage. |
Disguised Zazie the Beast accepts the blue lollipop. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Good, right? No matter how heavy a cross you carry, you still deserve to eat. You still deserve to laugh. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: See, yummy! Heh, no matter how heavy the cross is you carry, you deserve food. And to laugh. |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood smiles for disguised Zazie the Beast. Nicholas pushes up the corners of his mouth, making his smile wider. He chuckles and stands up. Zazie gives a soft whimper around the blue lollipop. |
My Rates
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood walks back over to Vash the Stampede and Meryl Stryfe and hands them a slip of paper. Vash takes the paper and gives a pained whimper of disbelief. Meryl leans over and looks at the paper. The paper says: INVOICE $$20,000 | |
Vash the Stampede: Twenty thousand?! Meryl Stryfe: What a rip-off! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You should’ve asked my rates before asking me to work, dolts. Meryl Stryfe: You volunteered yourself before we even could! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Did not. Meryl Stryfe: You can’t talk your way out of this! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Man, you’re dogged. | Vash the Stampede: Twenty thousand?! Meryl Stryfe: What a ripoff! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You probably should have asked for my rates before hiring me. Meryl Stryfe: Hold on, we didn’t hire anyone, you volunteered before we had the chance! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: No I didn’t. Meryl Stryfe: There are witnesses! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: [indistinguishable] |
Roberto De Niro walks up to the group. | |
Roberto De Niro: Are we done? | Roberto De Niro: Are we wrapping this up? |
Vash the Stampede hands Roberto De Niro the invoice. | |
Meryl Stryfe: I won’t brook this injustice! Roberto De Niro: Wait, what’s this ridiculous price? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: What? Stop blabbering and pay up! Roberto De Niro: By the way, aren’t you hurt? You got hit by a car, but you look fine. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Yeah, I’m tough. It’s my saving grace. | Meryl Stryfe: As a reporter it’s my duty to expose injustice! Roberto De Niro: Heh, what con artist is stupid enough to charge this price? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: [indistinguishable sentence] Cough up the dough already! Roberto De Niro: Speaking of conning, shouldn’t you be injured or something? You did get hit by a big-ass truck, after all. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I’m tough. The Man Upstairs blessed me in that way. |
Roberto De Niro chuckles while sizing Nicholas D. Wolfwood up. There is an extremely high-pitched noise. The ground and buildings start to rumble and shake. The whole group struggles to stay upright. | |
Meryl Stryfe: An earthquake? Vash the Stampede: No, this is… | Meryl Stryfe: Earthquake?! Vash the Stampede: I don’t think so! |
The ground around the plant station shifts dangerously. A circle of dust lifts from the ground, the sand shakes, and then a Grand Worm breaches the surface and swallows the entire station and the circle of land around it. | |
Vash the Stampede: A Grand Worm! | Vash the Stampede: It’s a grand worm! |
Detached Electron Network
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
The group tumbles down the worm’s throat in a river of sand, screaming as they fall. Vash the Stampede is first, followed by Meryl Stryfe holding the disguised Zazie the Beast, Nicholas D. Wolfwood holding his cross, and then Roberto De Niro. They groan and sit up when they hit the ground. A large chunk of metal lands beside Meryl Stryfe and Zazie. | |
Roberto De Niro: No way! | Roberto De Niro: Incoming! |
Another wave of sand rushed down at them, carrying the plant station and the car and trailer. Meryl Stryfe screams in horror, but Vash the Stampede rushes in and carries her and the disguised Zazie the Beast out of danger. The plant station and car crash down, filling the air with dust. The dust settles, revealing Vash, Meryl, and Zazie. | |
Vash the Stampede: Are you okay? Meryl Stryfe: Yes, thank you. | Vash the Stampede: You guys aren’t hurt, are you? Meryl Stryfe: No, thanks to you. |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood stalks towards Vash the Stampede and grumbles. Roberto De Niro watches him warily. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Ew, it’s so damp. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Watch your step. | Meryl Stryfe: Ew. Pretty dang musty down here. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Watch where you’re walkin’ little lady. |
Meryl Stryfe looks down in alarm and sees a skull and various bones scattered on the ground. She shrieks when a small worm flies out of the skull’s eye socket and right past her. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Come on! Vash the Stampede: Wait, take a look. | Meryl Stryfe: Uh-ugh, grody… Vash the Stampede: Wait a sec. Check ‘em out. |
The small worm flies along the gut lining of the grand worm. The wall lights up with bioluminescence wherever the small worm flies, as if communicating | |
Meryl Stryfe: They’re resonating? So it’s true. The Worms really are interconnected. Roberto De Niro: That’s their detached electron network. The bigger the Worm, the more detached electrons it holds. This guy must be the pillar of the Worms in the area. Meryl Stryfe: Meaning? Roberto De Niro: He’s the boss around here. | Meryl Stryfe: It’s like they’re talking… I’ve heard something about worms being interconnected. Roberto De Niro: You’ve heard right; that’s its detached electron network. The bigger the worm, the more detached electrons it holds. Judging by his size, this guy must be a pillar of his community. Meryl Stryfe: Which means? Roberto De Niro: Which means we’re inside the head honcho. |
Split Up
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Disguised Zazie the Beast wanders off in the direction of the small worm. Meryl Stryfe reaches out to them. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Oh, hey! | Meryl Stryfe: Woah, don’t! Vash the Stampede: Hey…! |
Disguised Zazie the Beast scurries up the gut lining, over a mound and out of sight. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Wait! | Meryl Stryfe: Come back! |
Meryl Stryfe and Vash the Stampede arriving in a clearing with four tunnel openings. Nicholas D. Wolfwood and Roberto arrive behind them. | |
Vash the Stampede: Which hole did he go into? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I envy kids and their light feet. Roberto De Niro: Why don’t you put down that cross, then? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: It’s the tool of my trade. How would I make a living if I offloaded it? Roberto De Niro: (grumbles) Meryl Stryfe: We need to hurry. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Then we should split up. Needle-noggin, you take the farthest one. Vash the Stampede: Needle-noggin? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Little missy can take the next one. Meryl Stryfe: My name is Meryl Stryfe! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Uncle Downer can go there. Roberto De Niro: (sighs deeply) Nicholas D. Wolfwood: And I’ll take that one. Meryl Stryfe: Why’re you calling the shots? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I thought you were in a hurry. | Vash the Stampede: Now which one would our friend choose…? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: The kiddo is quite the twinkle toes. Roberto De Niro: Your toes might be twinklin’ if you put down that cross. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Sorry, big man, can’t work without it. You never know when you might need an undertaker… Roberto De Niro: (grumbles) Meryl Stryfe: We can’t waste time. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Right, then let’s split up. The far one’s yours, needle-noggin– Vash the Stampede: Who, me?! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: –little lady, you’re next to him– Meryl Stryfe: That’s Meryl Stryfe to you! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: –old drunkle, take number three. Roberto De Niro: (sighs deeply) Nicholas D. Wolfwood: This last one is all mine. Meryl Stryfe: Who died and made you king, huh?! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Hey, we can’t waste time. |
Roberto De Niro pulls out his derringer. He loads two bullets into it before sliding it shut. |
In The Tunnel
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Inside tunnel two, Meryl Stryfe crawls on her hands and knees with a flashlight in her hand. | |
Meryl Stryfe: I don’t get it. Why split up when there’s no telling what could happen? | Meryl Stryfe: This is idiotic. I bet he’s just trying to make a buck; that weirdo profits off death. |
Meryl Stryfe hears a noise and shudders, then turns to check behind her. | |
Meryl Stryfe: N-No one’s there, right? | Meryl Stryfe: So, nobody’s out there to get me, yeah…? |
Meryl Stryfe turns forward again and sees disguised Zazie the Beast lying on the ground up ahead, their back to her. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Are you all right?! | Meryl Stryfe: I’m almost to you! |
Meryl Stryfe gasps, rises into a crouch, and runs over. Disguised Zazie the Beast makes quiet, pained noises. | |
Meryl Stryfe: (sighs) Thank goodness. | Meryl Stryfe: (sighs) I’m right here. |
Something rushing towards Meryl Stryfe from behind. She turns back at the last second and yelps. The flashlight drops to the ground. Bumper/Eyecatch: A map, labeled SEVEN CITIES UNION MAP. A red dot marks an empty location between Jeneora Rock and Windmill Village. |
I Can See It In His Eyes
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Ten cigarette butts litter the ground. Nicholas D. Wolfwood drops an eleventh and grinds it underfoot. He lights another. Vash the Stampede emerges from one of the tunnels. | |
Vash the Stampede: No luck. I can’t find them anywhere. | Vash the Stampede: Well, I got nothin’. No trace of ‘em. |
Roberto De Niro emerges from the tunnel next to Vash the Stampede’s, landing with a grunt. | |
Roberto De Niro: Me neither. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: That’s enough. You should find a way out unless you wanna die, too. Vash the Stampede: I’m sure they’re both fine. We’ll find and help them. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: So you’d risk your life for theirs? Self-sacrifice on self-sacrifice… You’re a weird one. | Roberto De Niro: Nothing here, either. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I say we call it. If we don’t figure a way outta here soon, we’re dead too. Vash the Stampede: Come on, nobody’s dead, okay? Soon as we find them, we’ll go. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (scoffs) Just jumpin’ to risk your life for theirs, huh? Got a God complex or a death wish? Heh, guess time will tell. |
A number of small worms fly above Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Nicholas grabs one as it flies near him. He bites its head off, eats it, and tosses some remnant away, then spits, wipes his mouth. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You only get one life. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You only get one life, y’know? |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood grabs another small worm from the air. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You have to fight for it, no matter who you hurt in the process. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Self-sacrifice might satisfy the ego, but don’t throw your life away. |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood tosses the worm to Vash the Stampede, who catches it. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: There’s no other way to survive. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Survival’s everything. |
Vash the Stampede observes the worm in his grasp. After a few seconds, he sets it free. | |
Roberto De Niro: Watch out, Stampede. They take the first bite to get your guard down, then lace what they pass to their target with poison. Standard stuff for assassins. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Huh? Roberto De Niro: Our news agency isn’t much to be proud of, but one thing we do have is a good intel network. I’ve heard about humans who control Worms. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Who, me? That makes no sense, you dolt. I’m stuck in here with you. Roberto De Niro: In that case, let me check out that precious cross of yours. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: This isn’t funny anymore. | Roberto De Niro: Slow your roll, Stampede. They always take the first bite to get your guard down, then lace the rest with poison before passing it to you, the target. It’s a textbook assassination technique. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Huh? Roberto De Niro: I’m a reporter, after all. And though our agency’s not much to write home about, we get decent intel. I heard something the other day, something about folks who could control the worms around here. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Heh. You accusing me? Then allow me to remind you: I’m trapped in here too. Roberto De Niro: If you’re so innocent, how about you unwrap that precious cross of yours and let me take a look? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I’m getting real tired of this game. |
Roberto De Niro pulls out his derringer. | |
Roberto De Niro: From the look of it, it’s too heavy to be a mere cross. Give me a peek inside, why don’t you? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Why don’t you make me? With your derringer that looks too light to be a real gun, hmm? | Roberto De Niro: Based on the way you’re lugging it around, it’s safe to say it’s not a standard wooden cross. Now give us a little peek, why don’t’cha? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: What, are you gonna make me? That derringer’s too light to do much damage, but… you can try. |
Vash the Stampede chuckles nervously. He holds his hands out placatingly. | |
Vash the Stampede: Come on, you two. Roberto De Niro: Stampede, this is a man who can kill with a smile on his face. Vash the Stampede: No, I don’t think so. Roberto De Niro: Why’s that? | Vash the Stampede: We’re all friends here, aren’t we…? Roberto De Niro: Just trust me with this one. This guy’s the type of killer to do his work with a smile. Vash the Stampede: Nah, I think I’ve gotta disagree with you, there. Roberto De Niro: And what makes you so sure? |
Vash the Stampede turns to Nicholas D. Wolfwood and smiles warmly. | |
Vash the Stampede: I can see it in his eyes. | Vash the Stampede: Those are the eyes of a good guy. |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood stares back for a moment before looking away, grumbling. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You really mess with me. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: …I’ll take that as a compliment. |
Vash the Stampede turns back to where Roberto De Niro was standing and chuckles. | |
Vash the Stampede: See? | Vash the Stampede: Good guy, see? |
Water drops into a puddle on the ground. Vash the Stampede realizes that Roberto De Niro has disappeared. | |
Vash the Stampede: Roberto? | Vash the Stampede: Roberto? |
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood walk through a narrow corridor. Vash the Stampede holds up a flashlight as he searches. | |
Vash the Stampede: Meryl! Roberto! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: It’s pointless. They’ve all been digested. Vash the Stampede: This place is covered in skeletons, so the Worms can’t digest that much. Besides, I haven’t seen a single one of their bones. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: What about it? Vash the Stampede: It’s too early to give up. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: So, how long do you want to keep wandering in circles? | Vash the Stampede: Meryl! Roberto! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: It’s pointless. They’re long digested by now. Vash the Stampede: I dunno, this place is covered in all sorts of remains. Worms might not be the speediest digesters. Plus, no reporter-shaped skeletons. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: All that to say…? Vash the Stampede: That it’s way too early to throw in the old towel. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Fine. But wandering in circles isn’t the best strategy. |
Vash the Stampede stops and checks behind him. | |
Vash the Stampede: Um… Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Maybe we’re the lost ones, not them. Vash the Stampede: Come on… Stop trying to scare me. | Vash the Stampede: (gasps) Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Maybe they already found a way outta here. Maybe we’re the lost ones. Vash the Stampede: Hey, hey! Eheheh, no more scaring me, please and thank you! |
Something rushing up behind Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood. They both turn around in surprise. |
Worm Spout
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
In the desert, the grand worm breaches the sands and blows Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, and the Punisher out of its blowhole high into the sky. They scream as they fly through the air, then land hard on the sand. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: So we were in its nose… | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: We were in the damn thing’s nose?! |
Vash the Stampede sneezes and shakes sand from his ear. The three bandits from before are a distance away on top of a dune. | |
Bandit A: Hey, you guys! Are you all right?! Bandit C: It’s a Worm spout! Bandit B: I’ve never seen such a big one before! Bandit C: Run! Hurry! Behind you! Bandits: Beat it! Hurry! Run! Come on! | Bandit A: Hey, are you guys okay?! Bandit C: Now that was a worm spout! Bandit B: Hurry up, y’all, it’s behind you! Bandit C: I’ve never seen one so massive! (the three call out, indistinguishable) Bandit B: Hey, don’t you wanna live?! |
The sand starts to rumble. Vash the Stampede stands up and turns towards the grand worm in the distance. Nicholas D. Wolfwood grabs him by the shoulder | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Hey, hey! You just lucked out and you’re gonna throw it all away? | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Hey, stop! You won! Quit while you’re ahead! |
Vash the Stampede shakes off Nicholas D. Wolfwood’s grip. Nicholas stumbles, falls flat on his back, grunts. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: There’s no guarantee you’ll get lucky again! Vash the Stampede: You should run. Bandit A: Don’t do it! Bandit B: You’ll die! Bandit C: Run! Hurry! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You fool… | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: There’s no guarantee you’re gonna be so lucky in round two! Vash the Stampede: …you should go now. Bandit A: What the hell are you doing?! Bandit B: You’re toast! Bandit C: This way! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You fool! |
The grand worm charges at them and opens its mouth to swallow them. Vash the Stampede stands unflinching as it swallows both him and Nicholas D. Wolfwood. |
Zazie The Beast
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Vash the Stampede lies face down on the ground inside of the grand worm. He stands as many small worms fly past him, all in the same direction. Disguised Zazie the Beast stands atop a large mound, back turned towards Vash. The small worms fly towards Zazie. | |
Vash the Stampede: You’re… | Vash the Stampede: You’re alive. |
Disguised Zazie the Beast runs past the worms and up to Vash the Stampede. Zazie hugs Vash around the waist. Vash loosely hugs Zazie back. | |
Vash the Stampede: You’re all right now. | Vash the Stampede: You’re alright now. |
A heavy thud from behind him startles Vash the Stampede. Nicholas D. Wolfwood stands behind him, holding the Punisher. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: A little too careless, aren’t we? We only met today. How many times have you let me out of your sight? Vash the Stampede: Yet not once did you shoot me. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You’ve known me for all of a day. And you’ve let me out of your sight at least a few dozen times now. Vash the Stampede: Well, I mean, you haven’t shot me yet, have you? |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood chuckles humorlessly. Disguised Zazie the Beast breaks free of Vash the Stampede’s grasp. Zazie athletically jumps backwards up the mound. The high pitched whining noise sounds again. | |
Vash the Stampede: That unique mosquito sound… So you’re the one controlling the Worms. Disguised Zazie the Beast: That’s odd. It should be inaudible to regular humans. Good job seeing through my disguise. Vash the Stampede: Did you kill that couple, too? Disguised Zazie the Beast: Humans always assume it’s a family when they see a group of adults and children. Vash the Stampede: Where are Meryl and Roberto? Disguised Zazie the Beast: You came back for them? | Vash the Stampede: The tiny buzzing sound… it must be you. You’re the one controlling the worms. Disguised Zazie the Beast: Oh, well that’s weird. Regular old humans shouldn’t be able to hear that sound at all. Congrats, I guess you’re onto me, huh? Vash the Stampede: Did you murder that couple? Disguised Zazie the Beast: It’s funny, whenever humans see a kid hanging around grown-ups, they assume they’re a family. Vash the Stampede: Can you please just tell me where my friends are? Disguised Zazie the Beast: You came back for the girl and the old guy? |
Disguised Zazie the Beast giggles, removes their hat, revealing themself as Zazie the Beast, wearing an entirely different wardrobe. The grand worm’s gut illuminates in red light. | |
Zazie the Beast: I simply don’t understand… Didn’t you realize returning for them would get you killed? | Zazie the Beast: I don’t understand you at all… You would sacrifice your life for a tiny chance to save theirs? |
The texture of the grand worm’s gut lining changes, becoming softer, slicker, and dripping viscous digestive fluids. | |
Vash the Stampede: Give them back! Zazie the Beast: If you must know what happened to them, then make me talk. | Vash the Stampede: C’mon, just give them back, okay?! Zazie the Beast: Look, if you’re so certain I have them then why don’t you make me? |
Zazie the Beast skips away from Vash the Stampede. Vash struggles to remain upright as his feet are pulled into the soft ground. | |
Vash the Stampede: Damn it… Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You’re leaving yourself wide open again. | Vash the Stampede: Great. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: And you left yourself wide open. Again. |
The Punisher’s fabric falls away, revealing Nicholas D. Wolfwood’s large cross-shaped gun. He swings it around with a flourish, turning the skull-shaped trigger which reveals a large machine gun attachment inside. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (chuckling) Eat this. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (chuckling) You hungry? |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood fires the gun in Vash the Stampede’s direction. Bullets free his feet from the soft ground. Another round fires past Zazie the Beast and into the wall of the worm in the shape of a large circle. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Pathetic Worm! | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Then eat this! |
The bullet-ridden section of wall is sucked out, leaving a gaping hole to the outside. The grand worm breaches the sand and leaps high into the air, then dives down again. | |
Vash the Stampede: Who are you? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Just an undertaker. Zazie the Beast: I’ll be seeing you. That is… assuming you get out of here alive. | Vash the Stampede: Who are you? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Just an undertaker. Zazie the Beast: Bye! See ya! Well, maybe. Chances are you won’t even make it out of here. Real shame, huh? |
Zazie the Beast cackles. An insectoid mask with wings covers their face. Their cackles turn high-pitched. They’re lifted by the mask wings and float out of the hole in the side of the grand worm, escaping with a legion of small worms. | |
Vash the Stampede: Hey, wait! | Vash the Stampede: Hey, come back! |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood switches modes on the gun and swings it around several times in a series of flourishes. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You’re not getting away, Worm. I’m a tough nut to crack. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Anyone who tries to eat me… has hell to pay! Make sure your dinner doesn’t bite back! |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood fires a powerful laser, piercing the worm. From outside the worm, the laser moves in a full lengthwise circle through the grand worm, slicing it in half down the middle. Blood explodes out of the grand worm as it collapses to the sand. The bandits watch on in the distance. After a few moments they turn to each other and laugh in delight, clapping their hands with excitement. |
I Still Deserve To Eat And Laugh
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Later in the evening. A large, juicy piece of worm roasts atop a fire. Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Meryl Stryfe, and the three masked men sit around the fire. Everyone but Meryl Stryfe has a large chunk of roasted worm. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Fresh meat is definitely the best! Meryl Stryfe: (moans) Nicholas D. Wolfwood: What, you still feeling sick? Meryl Stryfe: No, I’m fine thanks to you… I appreciate you saving me. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: The fresher the better, that’s what I say. Meryl Stryfe: (moans) Nicholas D. Wolfwood: What’s wrong? You still feeling sick? Meryl Stryfe: Oh, no. I’m all good, thank you. Though we may have our differences, I appreciate you saving m– |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood thrusts his chunk of worm up to Meryl Stryfe. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Here, eat. Meryl Stryfe: (gags) I’m fine… | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Here! Dig in. Meryl Stryfe: (gags) I’ll have to pass… |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood wrestles with Meryl Stryfe, pushing the worm meat into her face. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You’re not going so survive like that. Come on! | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Are any of you freaks interested in survival? Come on! Open wide! |
Meryl Stryfe struggles to avoid eating the worm meat. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Eat up! Meryl Stryfe: Hey! What do you think you’re doing?! | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: It’s good…! Meryl Stryfe: Hands off me! This behavior is unacceptable! |
Roberto De Niro and Vash the Stampede stand together, beside the car and away from the group. | |
Roberto De Niro: I see now. The cross is actually a machine gun. No wonder it’s so heavy. Vash the Stampede: (chuckles) Roberto De Niro: I told you he’s bad news. Vash the Stampede: But we made it through thanks to him. Roberto De Niro: You’d thank a villain for his vagaries? That’s a little too generous. Vash the Stampede: I get that a lot. | Roberto De Niro: What a guy… His weapon of salvation is a weapon of mass destruction… that explains its weight. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (in the background) It’s okay! I’m helping! Meryl Stryfe: (in the background) More like torturing me! Get off!! Vash the Stampede: (chuckles) Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (in the background) Can’t have the little lady getting [indistinguishable] Roberto De Niro: I did try to warn you he’s bad news. Meryl Stryfe: (in the background) I am a perfectly average-sized woman! Vash the Stampede: It’s thanks to him we’re not all melting in a worm right now. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (in the background)[indistinguishable] Roberto De Niro: You’re seriously gonna thank the gun-slinging psycho for slinging the gun? Bit too generous if you ask me. Vash the Stampede: Heard that one before… |
Vash the Stampede walks off to join the rest of the group. | |
Roberto De Niro: Then fix it already… | Roberto De Niro: Well… then it might be time to listen. |
Vash the Stampede waves over his shoulder at Roberto De Niro without looking back. Roberto grunts. Vash walks up to the fire. Nicholas D. Wolfwood and Meryl Stryfe are standing across from each other, arguing. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Just eat up already. Meryl Stryfe: I told you, I’m fine. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Don’t be picky with your food. Meryl Stryfe: That’s not the deal. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Then what is? | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You’re going to starve to death. Meryl Stryfe: That’s my choice to make! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: It’s pretty childish to be picky. Meryl Stryfe: Hilarious coming from you. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Hey, I ate my dinner. |
Vash the Stampede sits down between them and grabs a chunk of worm meat from the roast. He takes a huge bite, to Meryl’s delight. | |
Meryl Stryfe: Vash… Vash the Stampede: I still deserve to eat and laugh, right? | Meryl Stryfe: (gasps) Look at you! Vash the Stampede: I think I deserve to eat and laugh and stuff, don’t you? |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood smiles at Vash the Stampede and chuckles quietly. He holds out his hand. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: The name’s Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Vash the Stampede: Vash the Stampede. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Needle-noggin. Vash the Stampede: N-Needle-noggin? | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: The name’s Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Vash the Stampede: Vash the Stampede. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Needle noggin. Vash the Stampede: Pardon me? |
Tagging Along
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood walks away from the fire. He throws his cigarette to the ground and crushes it under his shoe. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Welp, let’s get going. Meryl Stryfe: Wait, you’re coming with us? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You need someone like me, don’t you? Seems you’re dealing with some unsavory types. Meryl Stryfe: Thank you, but no. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: I won’t be too expensive. Meryl Stryfe: No, thanks. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Well, better get movin’. Meryl Stryfe: Huh? You think you’re coming with us? Nicholas D. Wolfwood: With the kind of folks y’all are dealing with? You could use an undertaker. Meryl Stryfe: Gee, thanks, but no. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Half off! Whaddya say? Meryl Stryfe: Yeah, no thank you! |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Meryl Stryfe, and Vash the Stampede meet Roberto De Niro at the car. Roberto lights a cigarette. | |
Roberto De Niro: You should be asking why he thinks he can charge us. Meryl Stryfe: Please say something, Roberto! Roberto De Niro: Well, we’re just tagging along without permission, too. Meryl Stryfe: It’s totally different! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Huh, I didn’t expect him to be the reasonable one. | Roberto De Niro: You should ask him why he thinks he can charge us. Meryl Stryfe: Just tell this con artist to get lost! Roberto De Niro: I’d love to, but it’s not like we ever got permission to run with the Stampede. Meryl Stryfe: Come on, that isn’t the same at all! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Damn, grandpa, I wouldn’t have pegged you as the reasonable one. |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood snatches a cigarette from the pack still in Roberto De Niro’s hand. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Gimme one. Roberto De Niro: I didn’t say you could have one. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Don’t be so cheap. Meryl Stryfe: No! We can’t afford any more expenditure! | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Thank ya, sir. Roberto De Niro: You shouldn’t have pegged me as generous either. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Yikes, god frowns on cheapskates! Meryl Stryfe: None for you! We can’t afford two smokers! Nicholas D. Wolfwood: The boss man’ll have to quit. |
Vash the Stampede looks up at the night sky and laughs. | |
Vash the Stampede: Look! Check out the sky. Meryl Stryfe: What now? This is important… | Vash the Stampede: Hey guys, get a look at the sky! Meryl Stryfe: The grown-ups are talking! Huh? |
The group looks up at the sky. Thousands of flying worms make up a green aurora in the dark. | |
Meryl Stryfe: How pretty. Roberto De Niro: Those are all Worms. Meryl Stryfe: Thanks for ruining it. | Meryl Stryfe: It’s gorgeous… Roberto De Niro: …You’re aware those are all worms, aren’t you? Meryl Stryfe: Aaand, it’s ruined. Thanks for that. |
Earned Their Trust
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
A closeup of Nicholas D. Wolfwood’s hand, holding a lit cigarette. Nine cigarette butts litter the ground around him. A small worm flies up to him. He is sitting on the roof of the recovered Plant station, sitting against a pillar. The worm joins a small, dense swarm of worms behind him. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: You overdid it. You almost got me killed, too… | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Talk about overkill. You nearly got me too… |
The swarm of worms becomes Zazie the Beast. Zazie walks up to Nicholas D. Wolfwood as stray worms fly around them. | |
Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Zazie the Beast. Zazie the Beast: But you earned their trust, right? Besides, killing “friends” is your favorite. You honestly couldn’t care less about human lives, could you? (chuckles) I can see it in your eyes. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (chuckles dryly) Hah, I don’t care. I just do my job, no matter who I’m up against. | Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Zazie the Beast. Zazie the Beast: Boo-hoo, you made it out fine and ultimately earned their trust, right? Now you’ll get to kill some friends! Your favorite pastime… Be honest, you couldn’t care less about taking human lives if you tried, could you? (chuckles) I can see it in your eyes, y’know. Nicholas D. Wolfwood: (chuckles dryly) It’s no biggie. I just keep my head down and do my job. Whatever that may be. |
Access To The Higher Dimension
JPN -> ENG Subtitles | English Dub |
Vash the Stampede sleeps on top of the van, stretched out on his back with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed. His travel bag is beside him. He snores softly. | |
William Conrad (voiceover): What Vash the Stampede manifested at that moment– | William Conrad (voiceover): In that moment, Vash the Stampede manifested– |
The inside of a large storage area in JuLai tower. The room is at least several stories high and filled with red plants. Each plant is labeled “能源来源” (“Energy Source”) on the front of its tank, in large black Chinese characters. Seven rows of thirteen plants are visible in one corner. Access elevators hang in front of them, and one rises, carrying a red plant upwards. | |
William Conrad: –must be the gate that allows access to the higher dimension. But it’s still locked. His morality and ethics are functioning as a defensive measure. | William Conrad: –what must have been the Gate which allows access to the higher dimension. As far as I can tell, said Gate is still locked. His morality and ethics are functioning as a defensive measure. |
Two large robots carry red plants. Elendira the Crimsonnail watches them. William Conrad stands and Millions Knives sits along a row of red plants. | |
William Conrad: Your little brother is more human than anyone. Millions Knives: (chuckles) Then we’ll just have to pry it open. | William Conrad: Your younger brother is more human than most anyone. Millions Knives: (chuckles) No fear. We will pry it open. |
Millions Knives manifests blades on his left hand. | |
Millions Knives: We’ll destroy him if we have to. | Millions Knives: And if we must, we’ll destroy his very being. |
The Stars α (Ending Credits) sequence plays. |
End Credits Concept Art

Back To Transcripts
Trigun Stampede (2023): 01 NOMAN’S LAND | 02 The Running Man | 03 Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness | 04 HUNGRY! | 05 Child of Blessing | 06 Once Upon A Time In Hopeland | 07 WOLFWOOD | 08 Our Home | 09 Millions Knives | 10 Humanity | 11 To a New World | 12 High Noon at July
Songs: TOMBI (Opening Credits) | Stars α (Ending Credits) | Saint’s March (Episode 12 Ending Credits)
Trigun Stampede (2023): 01 NOMAN’S LAND | 02 The Running Man | 03 Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness | 04 HUNGRY! | 05 Child of Blessing | 06 Once Upon A Time In Hopeland | 07 WOLFWOOD | 08 Our Home | 09 Millions Knives | 10 Humanity | 11 To a New World | 12 High Noon at July
Songs: TOMBI (Opening Credits) | Stars α (Ending Credits) | Saint’s March (Episode 12 Ending Credits)