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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede
Information on the biology and appearance of Vash the Stampede in Trigun Stampede (2023).
Physical Characteristics: Basic Physiology | Drain Gate | Hair | Plant Markings | Plant Wing and Flight | Portal Gate | Roots and Flowers | Scars, Amputation, and Healing | Strength and Agility
Wardrobe and Accessories: Clothing | Duffel Bag | Earring | Energy Bullets | Energy Cube | Glasses | Gun and Marksmanship | Personal Belongings | Prosthetic Angel Arm | Prosthetic Arm
Other: Bounty | Music | Personality | Plant Communication and Healing | Relationships | Toma Equestrianism
Strength and Agility
hand to hand combat:
Speed and Agility
Vash displays an incredibly fast visual and physical reaction time when avoiding the Captain’s attack in “NOMAN’S LAND“, then again when avoiding the attacks by the townspeople and Nebraska and Gosef in “The Running Man“. He is even able to react fast enough to see a bullet fire from Nebraska’s gun and then bring up his own gun and then shoot Nebraska’s bullet out of the air. He displays this capacity whenever he is attacked throughout the rest of the series, most notably when fighting Knives in “High Noon at July“, using that speed to fend off Knives’ equally fast tentacles.
While Vash can display exaggerated, clownish behaviors, when under a serious threat he moves with grace and efficiency. The greater the threat, the more focused and contained he becomes. Compare his unserious behavior against the dueling Captain in “NOMAN’S LAND” and the bounty-hungry townspeople in “The Running Man“, with his ballet-like grace against Nebraska and Gosef, then his focused attacks on E. G. the Mine and Knives in “Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness” and ultimately his display of full strength against Knives in “High Noon at July“, where he tucks and rolls like a stuntman, using the minimum amount of effort for maximum effect and protecting his body from damage.

The clearest demonstration of Vash’s strength is in “WOLFWOOD” when he and Wolfwood push the huge ion canon up from its firing position. The effort required is visibly massive and cracks Vash’s prosthetic arm.

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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede