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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede
Information on the biology and appearance of Vash the Stampede in Trigun Stampede (2023).
Physical Characteristics: Basic Physiology | Drain Gate | Hair | Plant Markings | Plant Wing and Flight | Portal Gate | Roots and Flowers | Scars, Amputation, and Healing | Strength and Agility
Wardrobe and Accessories: Clothing | Duffel Bag | Earring | Energy Bullets | Energy Cube | Glasses | Gun and Marksmanship | Personal Belongings | Prosthetic Angel Arm | Prosthetic Arm
Other: Bounty | Music | Personality | Plant Communication and Healing | Relationships | Toma Equestrianism
Vash has a small round mole under the outer corner of his left eye.
old injuries
surgical implants
new injuries
knives tentacles, bleeding screencap
Healing and Injury Tolerance
Vash has accumulated many scars and surgical implants over his lifetime. While we only get a brief look at his exposed body in “Humanity”, the following can be identified:
- Right arm:
- A solid, roughly triangular, metallic covering on his right shoulder.
- A metallic covering on his right elbow.
- Four visible sets of wiring and connectors: two on the back (including one thick wire), one on the front, and one between his neck and shoulder.
- A long, thick scar on his right bicep.
- A set of wire and connectors on the outside of his right forearm.
- Left arm:
- An open, triangular metallic covering on his left shoulder, flat side at the top and pointing down.
- His amputated left arm, cut off at the bicep.
- The socket for his prosthetic arm (not visible) with at least five sets of wiring and connectors extending into the stub of his arm.
- The prothetic arm itself, without the protective pauldron.
- Back:
- Upper left: A set of wiring and connectors just over his left shoulder blade.
- Middle left: A patch of exposed muscle or a burn scar. A set of wiring and connectors with one end over the damaged area.
- Lower left: A set of wiring and connectors.
- Upper right: A large patch of exposed muscle or a burn scar.
- Lower right: A patch of exposed muscle or a burn scar. A pair of metallic squares over part of the damaged area. A thin wire and connector leading out of the damaged area. Two long, thick scars leading down from the damaged area and under the waistline of his pants.
- Upper spine: A set of wiring and connectors just below his nape.
- Middle spine: On the left, a metal round implant with a cross-shaped mark in the center and four small feet. On the right and higher, a second identical implant, this time with a thick wire leading down to a connector, and a thin wire and second connector attached to that.
- Lower spine: A set of three pairs of metal squares: two larger next to two small, then another pair below them.
- Front:
- Upper chest: A long, thick scar where his left shoulder meets his chest. A long, thick scar where his right shoulder meets his chest. A thick wire with connectors over his sternum, with one connector attached to the long, thick scar over his heart.
- Lower chest: A long, thick scar over his heart. A dark, unidentified area over his heart. (Note: in the manga and Trigun (1998), this is a cage, but we do not get a clear enough view here to tell if it is a match. It does not appear to be metallic, and but looks too solid to be another burn/muscle scar.)
- Stomach: Over his right ribs, a very thick set of wires and connectors. A large patch of exposed muscle or a burn scar over the left side of his stomach. A thin wire and connector leading from the damaged area to the right side of his stomach.
- Abdomen: There is something on the right side of his abdomen, running down below his pants. Difficult to make out, but it may be another rough scar or a set of wire and connectors or both.
Vash’s “lost tech” extends far beyond his prosthetic arm. The exact purpose of the wires, connectors, and metallic coverings is open to speculation, but they are extensive.
- Both shoulders and his right elbow have metallic coverings. This may be part of surgical repairs or act as a form of joint protection.
- Several of the implants on his back are centered along his spine.
- There are matching scars on his front that seem to indicate an incident where he almost lost both arms.
- Vash may have suffered serious burns or scrapes that left him with the large rough patches on his body, possibly in multiple incidents.

In “Millions Knives“, Knives slices off Vash’s arm to force his drain gate to close. The amputation removes almost the entire arm, leaving only a short stub of arm. When the amputation occurs, Vash bleeds very little or not at all, suggesting the wound is immediately sealed. This is in contrast to the many amputations Knives performs on humans, and the large amounts of blood seen in those instances. This may be part of Vash’s accelerated healing ability.

While we don’t see the stub of Vash’s arm with the prosthetic removed, we do see Vash without his shirt and the current condition of his stub.

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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede