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Stampede Timeline: SEEDS | The Big Fall | The Wilderness Years | Lost JuLai | The Ericks Years
This section of the Stampede timeline covers the earliest known period, including the departure of the SEEDS colony, the birth of Vash and Knives, and the discovery of Tesla. The information below is based on confirmed in-show data as well as estimates. Where precise data is available, references are provided.
Compare Canons: Manga: SEEDS | Stampede: SEEDS | 1998: SEEDS
August 11, 2225? – Birth of Rem Saverem
Not shown.
Rem is born on Earth. She is 29 at the time of her death, so she likely would have been in her early or mid twenties when she left Earth, depending on how much total time she spent out of cryosleep aside from the 1+ year she spent with Vash and Knives.

Circa 2250 – SEEDS Colony Fleet Leaves Earth
Not shown.
The SEEDS colony fleet leaves Earth in search of a new home for humanity. According to Rem in “High Noon at July“, which takes place in early 2456, the SEEDS fleet left Earth 200 years ago. Rem is aboard the ship as Ship Navigating Officer, and her qualification is Plant Research. She is listed as 5 ft 6 in and female.

May 3, 2405 – Birth of Tesla
Not shown.
Tesla is born on the SEEDS05 mothership. This is almost exactly 50 years before Knives and Vash’s birth. Note: The image of Tesla is the same as the photo later seen on Conrad’s desk, implying that he was the one who entered Tesla’s information, likely along with Knives and Vash’s.

??, 2405-2406 – Tesla Experiments
Not shown.
The Sinners, the SEEDS05 molecular plant studies team, experiment on Tesla. No details on the experiments have yet been provided in Trigun Stampede. At the time of entry, Tesla was the same weight as the later entries for Vash and Knives, but 3 inches taller. This implies she also lived to be around a year old chronologically, and physically 8 years old, as well. The photo of her with Conrad shows her as still intact at around a year old. In the manga, Tesla lived for less than a year and died. In the Trigun Stampede, she is frozen, in pieces, but is still alive. It is not clear if she is conscious. We have no information on what led to her vivisection and preservation.
Conrad was awake during this period. It is likely (but not confirmed) that Rem protested against Tesla’s treatment, as in the Trigun manga timeline. However, in Stampede, Conrad is the team lead for the molecular plant studies team. He may have had greater authority and therefore culpability over the Tesla situation in Stampede than he did in the manga, or someone with greater authority than him may have ordered the experiments. Either way, in “Humanity” he is shown to feel guilt for his actions and he attempts to somehow make up for them in service to Knives.
After the Tesla experiments concluded, the Sinners returned to cryosleep. Based on the 50 years that pass until the birth of Vash and Knives, Rem also likely returned to cryosleep if she was awake during this time. We have no information on why she was awake when Vash and Knives were born.

July 21, 2455 – Birth of Vash and Knives
Not shown.
Vash and Knives are born on the SEEDS05 mothership. Rem finds them and raises them. Note: while the official English subtitles use the spelling “Nai”, the SEEDS database uses “Kni”.

Early 2456 – Rem Explains Project SEEDS
Seen in “High Noon at July“.
Rem walks into a SEEDS05 plant room with Vash and Knives. They are visibly physically younger than they are at their first birthday, and their voices sound younger. Rem brings them to the plant room and tells them about the purpose of Project SEEDS. She tells them she believes them to be a gift from god to bridge between humans and plants. She brings them to see a powerful-looking dependent plant.

July 21, 2456 – Vash and Knives’ First Birthday
Seen in “Our Home“.
Knives and Vash’s first birthday party. Their physical age appears to be around 8.

??, 2456 – Rem Watches The Birthday Video
Seen in “High Noon at July“.
At some point, likely soon after their first birthday, Rem sits in the SEEDS05 garden and rewatches her recording of Vash and Knives’ first birthday. Knives calls her a doting parent.

??, 2456 – Vash and Knives meet Conrad
Not shown.
At some point, likely soon after their first birthday, Conrad is awake on SEEDS05 and meets Knives and likely also Vash, based on Conrad recognizing pre-teen Knives in the flashback in “Humanity“.

??, 2456 – Vash and Knives Find Telsa
Seen in “To A New World“.
Rem shows Vash and Knives a red geranium. It is unclear how long it has been since their birthday, but they do not appear to have visibly aged, despite their accelerated aging in their first year of life.
Vash and Knives argue about Vash’s need to eat and his lack of powers. Knives recognizes the geranium as he has seen another one in “the plant room.” This leads them to investigate a room that contains a red geranium plant.

After Vash enters Rem’s access codes, Vash and Knives discover Tesla. The file for Knives is in a separate folder from the files for Vash and Tesla, which are grouped together. As Rem’s goal was to hide the twins’ true identity, it is unlikely that she entered their personal information into the SEEDS05 database. It’s most likely that this was entered by Conrad.

??, 2456 – Knives Decides To Kill Humanity
Seen in “To A New World“.
Vash and Knives are in the SEEDS05 garden. Knives is sitting under a tree and reading the Bible. Knives is angry and bitter about humanity’s history of violence and says humanity never learns. Vash argues that they should have faith in humanity. According to adult Knives, this was the moment when he realized that Vash would never be safe as long as they were surrounded by humans.

??, 2456 – Knives Fuses With Tesla
Not shown.
Likely at some point before the Big Fall, Knives returns to Tesla and takes her eye (and possibly her entire body), then puts it into his body. After the Big Fall, we see Tesla’s eye embedded in his hand knives in “Humanity”.

??, 2456 – Knives Sabotages The Fleet Trajectory Control System
Not shown.
At some point immediately before The Big Fall, Knives replaces the “injection data” in order to sabotage the SEEDS fleet trajectory control system.
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Stampede Timeline: SEEDS | The Big Fall | The Wilderness Years | Lost JuLai | The Ericks Years