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Compare Canons: Manga: Plant Biology | Stampede: Plant Biology | 1998: Plant Biology
Information on the general biology of plants in Trigun Stampede (2023).
Basic Physiology | Core | Higher Dimension | Last Run | Origin and Reproduction | Plant Structures | Plant Types | Treatment By Humans
Plant Types
Conrad describes four types of plant production: Thermal, Water, Electric, and Gravity.

Electricity Plants
The first plant that Vash ever helps is an electricity plant on SEEDS03. It is likely but not confirmed that the healthy plant at Jeneora Rock is an electricity plant. It is likely but not confirmed that the powerful plant for the sand steamer is also an electricity plant.
Water Plants
The dying plant at Jeneora Rock is a water plant. In “To A New World“, Wolfwood says that JuLai has a monopoly on water-producing plants.
Gravity Plants
In “Our Home“, Brad says SEEDS03 was saved from The Big Fall by a gravity plant. Legato’s powers in “Once Upon A Time In Hopeland” and “WOLFWOOD” appear to be a form of gravity control and may be the result of plant-human hybridization involving a gravity plant.
Thermal Plants
We do not see any examples of thermal plants in Stampede, but presumably they produce heat.
While not directly named in Stampede, the manga describes geoplants as the source of fertile gardens such as those seen in SEEDS05 and SEEDS03. There are no farms or flora seen directly on the planet, either imported or native. All food is either “plant-based” (as describe in “HUNGRY!“) or worms. However, Luida is working on a plan to terraform the planet using flora and possibly geoplants.
Chemical Plants
Luida asks Vash if he is able to produce chemical compounds or amino acids. Knives is able to produce metal in the form of knives and his cloak fabric, and Elendira is able to produce metal in the form of large nails.
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Compare Canons: Manga: Plant Biology | Stampede: Plant Biology | 1998: Plant Biology