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Compare Canons: Manga: Plant Biology | Stampede: Plant Biology | 1998: Plant Biology
Information on the general biology of plants in Trigun Stampede (2023).
Basic Physiology | Core | Higher Dimension | Last Run | Origin and Reproduction | Plant Structures | Plant Types | Treatment By Humans
The Origin Of Plants
While the origin of dependent plants is not specified in Stampede itself, at the Anime North Trigun panel in Toronto, Canada on Saturday, May 27, 2023, Tumblr user museqmeg asked Trigun producer Yoshihiro Watanabe for backstory on plants (original video and transcript):
“Organically, plants actually started out from being excavated on Earth. It was actually mummified. They thought, they called it the “angel mummies,” but it was a very fragmented mummy and… they basically from there, they excavated genetics. And we engineered them as plants. So they actually don’t, humankind actually doesn’t know how this technology works, but it works. So that’s how they use the technology of the plants.”

Reproduction Through Cloning
In “Our Home“, Luida says that all dependent plants are cloned from an original cell. Despite this, there appear to be many types of plants, each of which specialize in a type of production. It is likely that humans have a way to either modify or control a plant’s production, perhaps at the time of the plant’s creation.
The ability to create more plants is considered lost technology, and appears to have been destroyed in The Big Fall, due to some combined loss of materials (such as the original cell line), equipment, people, and knowledge.
Conrad is one of the only humans left with the ability to create plants, though we only see him use that ability to create human-plant hybrids. Even Conrad may not be able to make more regular dependent plants, perhaps due to a lack of essential resources. Conrad may have hid his true identity, going under the name Count Lebnant Vasques, in an effort to hide his valuable plant expertise. Conrad also appears to have leveraged this expertise to live a life of relative luxury in JuLai, where preteen Knives finds him.
Natural Reproduction
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Compare Canons: Manga: Plant Biology | Stampede: Plant Biology | 1998: Plant Biology