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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede
Information on the biology and appearance of Vash the Stampede in the Trigun manga.
Physical Characteristics: Angel Arm | Basic Physiology | Drain Gate | Hair | Plant Markings | Plant Wings and Flight | Scars, Amputation, and Healing | Strength and Agility
Wardrobe and Accessories: Clothing | Earring | Energy Bullets | Glasses | Gun and Marksmanship | Prosthetic Arm
Other: Amnesia | Bounty | Cooking | Personality | Plant Communication | Relationships | Toma Equestrianism | Vehicle Driving
Angel Arm

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Compare Canons: Manga: Vash the Stampede | Stampede: Vash the Stampede | 1998: Vash the Stampede