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Stampede Timeline: SEEDS | The Big Fall | The Wilderness Years | Lost JuLai | The Ericks Years
This section of the Stampede timeline covers The Big Fall and events immediately after. The information below is based on confirmed in-show data as well as estimates. Where precise data is available, references are provided.
Compare Canons: Manga: The Big Fall | Stampede: The Big Fall | 1998: The Big Fall
??, 2456 – The Big Fall
Seen in “NOMAN’S LAND“.
Knives excuses his plan, causing the trajectory control systems in the SEEDS fleet to fail and sending the ships into free fall. Along with the navigation change, he causes explosions throughout the SEEDS ships.

Vash And Knives Escape
Seen in “NOMAN’S LAND“.
Rem puts Vash and Knives in an escape pod. Knives asks her to come with them, but Rem sends them off without her, choosing to stay behind to try to save others.

Knives pilots the escape pod through the exploding SEEDS fleet, bringing them safely down to the planet below.

Rem Tries To Stop The Crash
Seen in “Our Home“.
When she stays behind on SEEDS05, Rem attempts to stop the crash. In her final recording to Vash and Knives, Rem says she is able to identify that “the the injection data was replaced” and wonders who did it. She says that she is “manually repairing trajectory control system. Control thrusters at maximum.”

SEEDS05 Gravity Plant Activates
Not shown.
While also damaged by Knives’ sabotage, SEEDS05 was saved from disaster by the activation of their gravity plant. It is possible that they were able to do this because Rem repaired the trajectory control system.

Knives Declares His Success
Seen in “NOMAN’S LAND“, “The Running Man“, and “Our Home“.
Knives declares The Big Fall to be his brilliant success. Vash is horrified by the destruction and death and runs away in a panic.

First Three Days After The Big Fall
Seen in “Our Home“.
Vash wanders the wreckage. He tries to find SEEDS05 and Rem but fails. Surrounded by the dead and dying, he has visions of them pursing him and blaming him. He collapses into the sand, wishing he could disappear.

During this time, SEEDS03 sends out at least one rescue team to look for survivors. Vash collapses and is found by a SEEDS03 rescue team, including Brad (identifiable by his voice and gloves).

80 hours After The Big Fall
Seen in “Our Home“.
Vash is taken to SEEDS03 and wakes up in a cell, his hands cuffed. He is immediately identified as an independent plant based on the plant markings in his eyes. Luida states, “It’s been over eighty hours since the crash.”

1 Week After The Big Fall
Seen in “Our Home“.
Soon after speaking with Vash, Brad leaves to find the SEEDS05 wreck. While he’s gone, Vash is held prisoner in the SEEDS03 cell while Luida tries to help him figure out what he can produce as a generator. Vash is cleaned up but refuses to eat, saying he is worthless.

2-3 Weeks After The Big Fall
Seen in “Our Home“.
Shortly after speaking with Vash, Brad goes to the SEEDS05 wreck and spends two weeks searching “under rubble and corpses”. Survivors are rescued from SEEDS05, possibly including Conrad and the SEEDS05 molecular plant studies team. Rem is declared dead and Luida reveals to Vash that Rem tried to stop the crash.

4 Weeks After The Big Fall
Brad returns with a box of Rem’s belongings, including four photos of herself with Vash and Knives, a book, the damage black box crash recorder, and a personal recording device. Brad questions how long they will continue to keep Vash around. Vash is shown to be eating food now, but very little, and he tells Luida to stop bringing him food. Ludia refuses and presents Vash with one of the photos.

That night, crew members outside Vash’s door speak cruelly about him. Vash sets aside the photo and starts carving tally marks into the wall. The tally marks represent those who died in The Big Fall. We see him carve marks continually for three nights and two days.

On the third night, Brad tells Luida that there’s no point keeping Vash alive because he’s “a plant that doesn’t produce anything.” Luida finally succeeds in reconstructing Rem’s personal recording device. At the same time, Vash’s carving is interrupted by the distress cries of a dependent plant.

As Luida plays back Rem’s last message to Vash and Knives, the power goes out. A vital electricity plant has turned red with distress and opened up. All the other plants have also turned red, though it is not clear what their status is. Luida suspects the plants are not compatible with the planet’s environment. Vash pleads to be let out of the cell and says the plant is calling out for help and he can hear it crying, and its voice is fading fast. Luida brings him to the plant and Vash instinctively communes with it and heals or otherwise enables the plant to recover despite any compatibility issues with the planet.

Once the dependent plant is stable, Vash is returned to his cell. He eats all of the food that was left for him.

While Vash waits, Luida and Brad confer with the crew about Vash. Together they manage to convince the crew that Vash is safe enough to be let out of his cell. Brad agrees to act as his guard.

Shortly after, Luida releases Vash from his cell and gives him a room of his own, and tells him that Brad is now his guard. Luida also says that soon Vash will not require a guard either.
Vash is also assigned a role on the SEEDS03 crew, working with the plant engineers, looking after the dependent plants, and using his powers to heal plants. This gives Vash some measure of acceptance with the SEEDS03 crew.
1+ Months After The Big Fall
Photos and flashbacks show glimpses of Vash’s life soon after his acceptance on SEEDS03. He spends his time assisting the plant engineers, gets a haircut from Luida, plays in the garden, and shares meals with the crew. Vash keeps 18 photos of this period on the wall above his bed. Vash, Brad, Luida, and 22 other SEEDS03 crew members pose together in the garden for a group photo that Vash keeps in a frame on the table in his room.
During this time, Vash appears to be happy and cared for, and listened to attentively by the plant engineers.

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Stampede Timeline: SEEDS | The Big Fall | The Wilderness Years | Lost JuLai | The Ericks Years