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Compare Canons: Manga: Millions Knives | Stampede: Millions Knives | 1998: Millions Knives
Information on the biology and appearance of Millions Knives in the Trigun manga.
Basic Physiology | Blades | Bounty | Clothing | Gun and Marksmanship | Hair | Music | Personality | Plant Communication | Plant Fusion | Plant Markings | Plant Wings and Flight | Strength and Agility
Earth Federation Bounty
In “Never Ending Song” (Trigun Maximum Volume 14, Chapter 8), it is revealed that Earth Federation Security Forces has put out a new bounty for Millions Knives. The value and conditions of the bounty are not shown. However as Earth Federation seeks to question Knives, it is likely that they want him brought in alive.

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Compare Canons: Manga: Millions Knives | Stampede: Millions Knives | 1998: Millions Knives