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Original Trigun Post: Chapter 1
Trigun Book Club! (I’m glad some of you are enjoying reading the nonsense I’ve been writing up for these things. Thank you very much!) I know some characters I’m highly anticipating are coming up, so let’s get to it!
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 2, Chapter 1 below.
Chapter 1: Blood and Thunder
- I love how intense he looks compared to Vash, who seems to be smiling just a bit.
Of course he would. He has a buddy to fight at his back. - “More than just shoes,” huh? What, does he make crazy strappy leather body suits, too? Hmmmmmm???
- Dramatic Vash title page pose!
- Oh, shoot. I remember that fountain from ’98. That’s… a bad sign.
- Meryl: “What a lovely day….” Me: “Not for long.”
- I do appreciate the pigeon floof, though. Wait, how did pigeons get here? Did they import them? Are these actually not-pigeons but are more closely related to Thomases? Are… are they a type of WORM??!??!!
- Oh, Vash. He wants to rest, but he’s keeping one eye open.
- NM, he’s decided rest is the best option.
- OMG, this page! Rem with the halo imagery over her. The way her form dominates the page but blends into Vash’s, as if she’s a bigger part of him than he himself is. The way he seems to be falling through the panels. Gorgeous.
- Aaand the moment’s gone.
- At least they’re apologizing?
- Wait, there’s no water in that fountain, is there?
- Goshdarnit, Vash! Don’t put that in your mouth! You don’t know where it’s been!
- Yeah, you’re not gonna be able to talk while pulling off this maneuver. But I’ll allow it.
- Hahahaha, once they’ve properly apologized, he decides to reward them with ice cream. Or maybe just reward himself and reward them as a byproduct, but whatever.
- VASH THE STAMPEDE!!! You, of all people, do NOT get to tell Milly (OR ANYONE ELSE) she is not acting her age! Freaking dork….
- I love how calmly Meryl is like, “Here’s the cash. Get us all ice cream.” Although I’m only counting five??
- Oh.
- Meryl just won like 500 brownie points for that move.
- There are few things in life that can’t be made to seem at least a little better if one has ice cream.
- Vash looks deeply saddened that the girl left.
- But it seems like he’s moved on pretty fast. No point dwelling on it, right?
- Shit. Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit.
- Gods, I’m sure people have debated his designs in both ’98 and Stampede, but here? Legato looks like a twink. A twink hiding in a big emo jacket with shoulder pads he stole from the ’80s and then fed steroids.
- Annnnd he’s eating a hot dog. I’m not gonna read too much into that.
Too late. And now you can, too.
- Seriously, though. Of all the foods to import, you’d think someone would leave hot dogs behind. Or not. They do make use of the junk parts of the animal, and I guess you can’t be too picky when you live in a desert wasteland.
- The way they’re having this conversation is suspicious.
- Fountain confirmed empty.
- Milly’s danger sense is tingling.
- I just want to point out that, when Milly says Vash’s face looks frightening, this is the last expression we see him showing.
- He’s putting on the glasses. It’s serious time. He might have to shoot someone, and he definitely doesn’t want anyone else to catch a glimpse of his intentions here.
- Wow. The level of force Vash shows in his wording here. It’s like he’s playing a card that says, “I know I’m superior to you, and given the situation, I’m going to make dead sure you know it, too.”
- “That monster,” huh? Harsh words. Justified, perhaps. But harsh. All of this is harsh coming from such a staunch pacifist.
- I just want to point out that all of this is happening after the July incident. For no reason whatsoever, I’m sure.
- Legato… PLEASE don’t make shitty decisions with your life. What you’re suggesting is not the sort of thing likely to end in a win scenario for you….
- Ok, so I’m sure some of this is because I’ve watched ’98 and have a better feel for Legato than some… but I LOVE the imagery of him handing food to a hungry child and giving them a pat on the head. It’s wrong on so many levels… but it’s also a good reminder that people who are capable of absolutely terrible things are also capable of at least presenting a veneer of simple kindness.
- Glad that scene upset Vash quite a bit, too.
- Assuming Legato isn’t bluffing, even Vash would struggle to contain that much slaughter in such a short span of time, I think. And right now, he’s got a whole fountain in between him and Legato.
- Vash has been gradually losing his mask through this whole conversation. Milly noticed it first, but the kids and Meryl have noticed it by now, too.
- This outfit needs more straps.
- Yyyyeeeaaaahhhh, if they fight in the busy town square there, the casualty number is gonna be stupid high.
- WTF, he gave Vash a quest?? I don’t like this quest. This quest is gonna be full of Bad Things.
- I LOVE how they’re all in silhouette behind Legato there, but with all their forms blended together to make this ominous amorphous blob of eyes and limbs and darkness. I want a clean version without the text balloons.
- Sir. Sir, your bag is leaking. Sir, you might want to take a look at that. Sir.
- Ok, now I have legitimate questions about the Shoemaker instead of bullshit ones.
- I, too, would panic if someone I knew suddenly literally lost their head. Not sure I’d go screaming into the town square, but I would definitely be out of sorts.
- Nightow didn’t even have to show us what was in the bag to make his point.
- Dude, that’s an American coin. Hang on a second…. Ok, found it. I’m just gonna put some information on it here if anyone wants to go through it.
- I’m pretty sure I recognize that silhouette…
- Thinking on the title of the chapter again. Thunder is often seen as the first sign of an oncoming storm. Fitting.
I wanted to go through more than one chapter, but I feel like I have a LOT of notes on this one, and those pop-out posts inevitably take a good chunk of time, so this will do for tonight.