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Original Tumblr Post: Chapter 5-6
Time to knock out a few more chapters for @trigunbookclub.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 1, Chapters 5-6 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
Chapter 5: Assault
- Man, I wanna get that much food for $12. Or even for $$12.
- Milly is smarter than anyone (including her) thinks she is.
- Vash is MORE than capable of reading people. He has TONS of experience at it. I love the little nod to this in Stampede where he comments on being able to read Wolfwood’s true nature in his eyes.
- Why is Vash asking such a poignant question about existence to this kid? Oh, I bet he’s trying to suss out whatever cynical seeds inspired the kid to lie to him in the first place.
- The kid’s got something of Vash figured out, too.
- I will never get over this guy’s shoulder pads. They will haunt me to my grave.

- I do kinda miss the Bad Lads in Stampede. I get why they might do it, though. Legato and Livio should end up being MUCH more important characters, and the orphanage is a MUCH more important setting, so it tightens things up a bit. But the Bad Lad Gang is so over the top. They were fun.
- Gods, speaking of over the top, Trigun excels at crazy names.
- Wait, how did Vash get on the bed? He passed out on the floor.
- I love literally everything about these two pages. They’re beautiful. I love the poetry of everything being so dry, including people’s hearts. I love the contrast between Rem’s pose and Vash’s pose. And I love her calling him “so serious” when he’s spent all this time in the story trying to portray the exact opposite image to those around him. She gets him.

- Ah, well, so much for the dream being pleasant.
- Aaaand he fell off the bed.
- Oh, no. Babygirl is crying over his dream….
- No time for crying. Bad Lads abound!
- Dude. Don’t go stabbing your maps. That just puts holes in them and makes them less functional in the future.
- “And if it ain’t flashy, what’s the point?!” This guy should meet Tengen Uzui from Demon Slayer.
Chapter 6: Die Hards
- Oh, no. They’ve activated Vash’s Serious Face(TM).

- I like that we’re getting some information on plants. I also like that, at this point in the manga, they literally just sound like industrial manufacturing plants. We have yet to see one up close.
- Yeah… it’s generally best NOT to shoot the experts you need to do a Thing.
- Nightow really likes his pointy teeth, doesn’t he?

- Heh. Trying to compensate for the Japanese word for “wait” being two syllables instead of one. Translation is hard.
- Yeah, kid, I don’t think Shinypants McGee here cares too much what you might think you’re getting out of this deal.
- Hahahahaha, the way Vash enters the scene is beautiful. No one suspects someone to come UPSIDE DOWN THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD.
- I’m gonna be honest; I’m pretty sure the only reason I can follow the action in these panels is because I’ve seen the ’98 anime.
- Wait, did he just yeet himself and the kid out the hole in the windshield?! Hmm, that sounds familiar, actually.
- Yep, there they are. The kid is appropriately terrified.
- Now Vash is also freaking out. Always a good sign.
- “The scent of a woman.” Dude, you’re wearing some sort of crazy gas mask. What kind of freak of nature are you??
- Current favorite Meryl/Milly Gremlin Pose:

- If you need an effective hostage, always choose a pretty young girl.
- Vash has a right to be frustrated. He literally had NOTHING to do with this.
- I have thoughts on the Soupy Brain panel.
- There’s something about Vash’s expression and pose here that I really like. I want to pet his hair.

- Ah, yes. I thought I remembered something about this kid being a girl. I love how she’s just… draped over her dad with all the casual comfortableness of a kid with their favorite parent.
- Don’t say “never,” kid. It’s not too late, and it’s hard to judge exactly what a parent wants of their child. Even if you don’t meet expectations, if your parent cast you aside for that, then that’s on them, not you.
- Vash, coming in from Stage Left, with a head-butt, making sure the soup brains don’t get too distracted.
I want to read another chapter, but that is not going to result in me going to bed before sunrise, so I guess I’ll call it there.