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Original Tumblr Post: Chapter 5-6
The final stretch for Volume 7! We got this!
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 7, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Late Arrival to the End of the World
CW: Body horror
- Ugh, Wolfwood did it. He brought him all the way to Knives’ citadel. I know this is where Vash wanted to go, but still….
- Also, I’m just gonna note this is only volume 7, so things aren’t exactly gonna resolve here.
- Vash’s plan of attack is terrible.
- Geez, he’s barely walked in and his power is already going off a bit. At least he looks calm about it for once.
- Wolfwood!!! Crosses? Eye of Michael turning on him? (I mean, sure, they have reason, but….) Or… is this Legato? Legato does have a thing for skulls.
- Uhhh…
- I’d be more worried, but I was promised a couch, so mostly I’m just terribly confused.
- Oh, gods. It wasn’t real. How was I supposed to know it wasn’t real?!?!
- Sounds like it was Legato. We don’t know much about Eye of Michael, but for some reason I don’t think they have weird mind abilities like that. And if they do, then they’d probably get recruited into the Gung-Ho Guns. But Legato? We’ve already established he can communicate telepathically and he has an established motive (he’s tsundere and Wolfwood’s received “undue” attention from Knives), so I’d bet it’s either him or some unknown party.
- “The full VIP treatment.” Yeah, sure whatever. Like, Vash is that important to Knives, but Knives doesn’t see other people’s wills (especially Vash’s and the other Plants’) as seperate enough from his own to actually be able to make good calls there.
- I’m not convinced Vash will be fine, but he’s not wrong that Wolfwood should be particularly careful.
- Wolfwood’s always surprised and a bit bummed at Vash perceiving things about him and then trying to take care of him. Silly man. It’s ok for the people you’re closest to to worry about you from time to time.
- I love how he makes an attempt to stay back, but then he can’t stop himself from trying to run after Vash. If it weren’t for Elandira, he’d be right there… probably being a liability.
Reminds me of a post someone made about Stampede and how Wolfwood was like, “Who in their right mind would go up againstthat(Knives)?” when the answer was Wolfwood. Wolfwood would try and go against Knives. - Oh, honey. Elandira’s a badass, but that thing earlier was not her style.
- YES EXACTLY. Elandira doesn’t have beef with Wolfwood. If she’s gonna pick a petty fight, it will be with Legato. Otherwise, she’s just doing her job. And she certainly has no desire to tear Wolfwood limb from limb. If she’s ordered to kill him, a nail through the head would be good enough for her.
- They’re still gonna throw hands, huh? He’s that desperate to follow Vash? I’m sorry, but this goes way beyond job professionalism. Or sane behavior.
- Ah, that’s definitely an Eye of Michael Cross. Though IIRC, Legato was the one mucking around with EoM folks last time we saw them, so… maybe this is a joint “let’s take out Wolfwood” effort.
- Yyyyyyeeeeaaaaahhh… there’s Livio and… I forgot the other one’s name.
- Wait, Elandira’s got her nail gun pointed at Livio??
- Is this wheelchair guy the real Chapel?
- LOL, Elandira doesn’t have time for their shit.
- Livio’s still firing stuff off into the sky just to make a point, I guess.
- Ugh, he’s talking about Livio like he’s just a pet. And… it seems like he used to be in charge of Wolfwood, too.
- I like the idea that this man just… wheelchaired backwards out of there for dramatic effect.
- So, Wolfwood failed to kill the person he was trying to impersonate, and he fell for his mark. I’m beginning to think he might be a sub-par assassin. (I joke, but I’m guessing it’s less a matter of skill and more a matter of too much heart.)
- LOL, Elandira casually flirting with Wolfwood. Probably not flirting-flirting so much as just trying to annoy him a bit.
- GG Wolfwood, misgendering the canon trans person. /s At least he caught himself.
- Yeah, I don’t think it’s blind faith from Elandira so much as it’s acceptance of the inevitable demise of everything at the hands of the twins.
- WTH is this stupid temple thing Vash is going to? Did Knives build himself a stupid temple??
- Knives, buddy…. That canNOT be healthy.
- Look at Elandira, that badass. We know Wolfwood’s pretty tough, but she just wades through Knives waking up without batting an eyelash. Meanwhile, Wolfie’s having to take her advice to not pass out under serious consideration.
- IDK how I feel about an impending giant angel fight. Wait, yes I do. Not good. I feel not good about it. Very not good about it.
Chapter 6: Conflict
CW: Body horror, SA imagery
- Oh, we’re starting with Legato? That’s… great. Just great.
- Vash? Serious? Never!
- Goshdarnit, Knives. I get you’re doing this for your brother and I guess you probably don’t have any intention of setting off his angel arm at this time, but… like… this isn’t healthy. So very not healthy.
- At least he’s not surprised Vash is shooting at him this time?
- Dude, your name is Millions Knives, not Hundred Guns. Put those away.
- Legato, WTF are you doing?! With this… little… giant… skull scythe arm thing… just… scootching along the floor, I guess….
- “Why are you so worked up?” It’s because senpai hasn’t noticed him and is paying attention to someone else. Duh.
- This pouty face, though. I just can’t with this man. He’s such a freaking mess. Please throw him in the sea.
- Knives: “I’m sure you understand now.” Knives, a few pages later: “Dammit, Vash! How come you don’t understand?!”
- I love this because, in spite of everything, it’s just not. Hells, it was only a few minutes back that Wolfwood tried to follow him into hell for no other reason than because he cares about Vash, and Wolfwood knows. Wolfwood knows all of it. Knives really needs to get out and meet more people.
In Stampede, Vash basically gives this whole speech to Knives, doesn’t he?- Ah, dramatic coattails have become even more dramatic. This time on purpose and not just for artistic effect.
- Not really sure what’s unplugging here. Part of Vash’s outfit?
- Ah, yeah, that was it. I guess it’s now a gun, too?
- Ha! He’s using the other tube to reload. Something something Stampede.
- Knives… don’t power that thing up.
- Gods, Legato just looks like a muppet on this page.
- I’m sorry, but the image of him slowly ker-plinking slowly up all those stairs in his little bag with his silly little mechanical scythe attachment thing is hilarious.
- VASH. YOU PUT THAT AWAY, TOO!!! Ugh, for once I’m grateful for whatever the hell Knives is about to do to get in Vash’s way.
- Knives, your logic SUCKS.
- Don’t worry! Someone has arrived to save the day! Behold, our hero… *checks notes* Legato Bluesummers?
- I mean, fr, he’s probably pretty upset already that Knives has merged with people other than himself. I guess merging with someone who he thinks might affect Knives’s consciousness is too much? IDEK.
- Going for some more overt rape imagery here, I see.
- Gods, Knives doesn’t even call Bluesummers by his name. He’s just “you.”
- Folks… I’ve seen ’98. I have spoilers. I know Legato’s gonna break me in all different ways all too soon. But right now? I can’t get over how much of a crazed muppet he is and it’s just making me laugh through all the serious stuff here. But look at him! He’s so giddy! Knives-sama has given him a Very Important Job! Knives-sama recognized Legato and knows Legato is here to help! Knives-sama knows this is a job for only Legato, because Legato is that dedicated to Knives-sama and is the only, ONLY person who should be at Knives-sama’s side!
- Oh. Yeah, I’m also worried about Vash here. I just got distracted by Legato’s stupid face. I should add it to my collage.
- I’m trying to decide if that’s Wolfwood on the right of this shot. It looks an awful lot like Wolfwood.
Author Bonus Chapter
- LOL, otaku boat….
- Is that a Vash head half buried in the sand? Looking very annoyed?
- Oh, I guess there was a Trigun game. I don’t really know anything about it.
- Waaaaaiiiiiit, that’s not Trigun! That’s Gungrave!
- Ha! I remember when a game with dynamic world elements like that was considered top-of-the-line….
- What’s with this list of target audience people?