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Original Tumblr Post: Chapter 4-5
Took me longer than anticipated to get back to this. Let’s see how far I can get through Volume 3 tonight. Hopefully, I’ll at least pass Puppetman up….
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 3, Chapters 4-5 below.
Chapter 4: Emilio the Player
- Oh, hey. We’re starting back with Brad instead of with Vash or Wolfwood or the girls.
- “Something must’ve happened to them.” Do I want to know? I probably don’t want to know. Am I gonna find out anyway? Of course I am.
- I still don’t know who Emilio is. But it just occurred to me that “player” can also mean “actor,” and Puppetman thinks of what he is doing in terms of a play, so that might be it.
- Puppetman is talking about winning, but Vash has already lost. He has lost so much already. This isn’t a fight where Vash comes out on top. It’s one where he tries to survive while somehow keeping the core of his being intact. But I’d hesitate to call the bare basics of getting through this a true “win” scenario.
- Ugh, Vash with the girl he accidentally shot. I love how his coat is just… going nuts behind him. What is physics? It doesn’t matter anymore. Coat is now a part of him and it reaches out both like a defensive shell and like grasping claw, ready to tear apart whatever threatens them next.

- Oh, good. I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t know who the heck Emilio is.
- LOL, NOBODY knows who Emilio is.
- Dude. Did Vash just get in Puppetman’s brain??
- Ooh, Puppetman didn’t like the name Isabel. What’s more, Vash knew he wouldn’t like it, and deliberately paused before delivering it.
- Puppetman’s having a meltdown. Good for him. Please melt more.
- 🎵 It’s raining men! 🎵 🎵 Hallelujah, it’s raining… wait, those are just doll parts. That’s not as fun.
- “Why are there so many?” Please, Brad. Stop asking questions neither of us want the answer to.
- Mmm, that’s bad. Looks like maybe Puppetman got the doc. Oh, gods. Just thinking about what the equivalent would be in Stampede makes me want to curl up into a little ball and die.
- I wonder if in all this, some part of Vash wished Wolfwood was just a bit closer to speed things along. Then again, I don’t think Vash would linger on such a thought. Not while cradling a girl he accidentally shot in his arm. Not when Wolfwood might make a similar mistake with a far greater chance of fatality.
- Oh, so Emilio doesn’t know he’s Emilio. Dang. NO ONE. NO ONE KNOWS WHO EMILIO IS.
- LOL, he forgot about his little doll boy whose name I already forgot.

- Is… Puppetman melting? I thought Ninelives had the monopoly on self-inflicted body horror this round.
- Where’d the girl go?
- Did… Vash set off the sprinklers?? With a Molotov cocktail???
- Tasty shot of Vash silhouette in the sprinkler rain. Pure art, this.

- Six miles of string? That’s too much string.
- Wet, angry Vash!
- Don’t grind your teeth until they crack, kids. You need your teeth for the rest of your life.
- RIP Puppetman’s hands. I bet he wasn’t a fan of his own blood circulation, anyway.
- Wet, tired Vash. Someone get this man a warn towel and a hot beverage.

- Vash isn’t doing so hot, is he….
- Uhhh, what are all these little cross boxes???
- Thank you, Brad, for asking a question that’s actually helpful this time.
- Oh, that must be Isabel.
Chapter 5: The Long Goodbye
- Oh, shoot. She’s awake…. -ish.
- Ah, let’s just upgrade that “oh, shoot,” to an “oh, shit.” Brad’s in, like, the WORST possible place to be right now.
- Eyyyy, it’s my boi Wolfwood! He looks tiiiiiired. But maybe Ninelives is out of lives? Maybe? Possibly???
- Ew, he has PEOPLE in him!
- LOL, Wolfwood just punching the shit out of the weird little people. I don’t blame him, TBH. I’d have had enough of this creep show already.
- Strangling the old man-baby thing…. As priests do….
- GoshDARNIT, this thing won’t DIE!!!
- Ms. Bingo?? I don’t know if that’s supposed to be her name or if Brad’s making a pun on how she’s the thing they needed to find in all this.
- Oops, Puppetman knocked over all his precious boxes ’cause he was pissed at Brad.

- Ah, that box does not, in fact, appear to be full of doll. Brad’s reaction to its contents is… reasonable.
- I know Brad is kind of a jerk, but I do hope he gets out of here ok. I’m glad he’s keeping his head about him in spite of everything.
- Ok, I don’t know what’s going on here. The… ship is… coming apart… I think??
- Ah, yeah. There goes a chunk.
- Puppetman, saved by his strings.
- Wait, Vash!? Ugh, babygirl….
- Messy-haired Vash! Messy-haired Vash!!!

- Yeah, there’s a reason we don’t tie MILES of string to our fingers. You can take a little physical pain to your hands, Puppetman. And losing your doll lady, too. I’m cool with that.
- WTF, now there are mini-puppets? And they’re attacking Vash?! No! Go away, mini-puppet!
- I guess that’s one way to commit suicide.
- Wolfwood, behind you. WOLFWOOD, BEHIND YOU!!!
- AAAAHHHH!!!! GIrls! Milly looks like she’s having a blast. I’m so proud of them!
- LOLOL, Wolfwood is shook.

- And Vash is here, too! The party is back together! Hooray!
- I mean, THAT sure went from agony to pure silliness fast…. I might need a moment to process….