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Original Tumblr Post: Chapter 4-6
When I said I wasn’t ready for this to end on my last post I didn’t intend to then not post until the weekend, but somehow using TriMax to try and soothe my JJK feels didn’t seem like a good idea, so here we are.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 14, Chapters 4-6 below.
Chapter 4: Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
CW: Blood (in color)
- This honestly seems like an odd title given how suicidal our main character is, but let’s run with it. Maybe it’s referring more to the Earth Fleet.
- Vash, asking important questions.

- WTF, why is dead Legato just standing there screaming? Like, yes, I get that him standing around screaming in an unsettling fashion is totally in character for him, but… he’s dead, yeah? Or… is it Vash screaming? I mean, I feel like screaming is generally the appropriate response to Legato showing up.

- What the…? Surprise Wolfwood. He looks in pretty good spirits for a dead man.
- Dang, that’s a lot of ghosts.
- OMG it’s REM.
- Wait, is he dying? Like, I know he’s dying, but is he dying dying??
- Oh, he hit a wall between him and them. He must not be quite gone yet. But gods, his hair looks fully black here.
- Oh, wait. It has just a bit of lightness in it still.
- Vashie looks sooooo tired.

- Meanwhile, humanity is trying its very, very best to communicate with the Plants Knives has absorbed.
- Ooh, looks like the Plants are forming Opinions.
- That’s a big boom.
- Oooh, critical failure for Earth Fleet.
- The good news is Knives and/or the Plants he’s merged with just saved all of Humanity on Noman’s Land. The bad news is everyone still has to deal with Knives.
- Hahahahaha, this kind of spirit is the soul of Trigun. Thanks, girls.

- You’re right, Meryl. It’s absolutely too heavy a burden for him to carry alone. I hope he knows you feel that way. And not just you, but so many others, too. I hope he’s at a place where he can accept that.
- Wait, what cracked Meryl’s helmet?
- Eyyy, Vash is conscious again!
Chapter 5: Ticket to the Future
- Where’s he stuck? Limbo?
- Ahhhhh! He heard Meryl’s words!

- Oop, feather to the face for Vash, too.
- I like how he calls himself Vash the Stampede in his head. Not Vash. Vash the Stampede. You have to say the whole thing.
- I still don’t know what the hell he caught, if anything.
- Dang, Knives isn’t even gonna bother slaughtering the humans. He’s just gonna leave them to rot.
- What is that noise, Knives? Is it maybe your sisters? Are they now making their noise un-ignorable?
- Were you really united? Did you ever actually check with them? Or did you just assimilate and assume that because the assimilation took, they were in agreeance?
- It’s not just Vash at this point, though, is it?

- Wait, is Vash gonna plug into Knives? Ohhhh, he does not look enthusiastic about this move.
- Sooooo much giant Plant underboob.
- Oh, Vash is going to plug himself into the connection they’ve set up to try and talk with the Plants. That’s hella dangerous. Has he ever been plugged into anything before? What if he can’t maintain his sense of self in there? Though I guess Chronica could when she plugged into Domina… but that was only a fraction of the entity Vash is gonna jump into, and the entity he’s gonna jump into includes Knives.
- Hahahaha, I feel like Knives telling Vash not to touch him is exactly the fuel Vash needs. Big sibling energy here.

- This looks distinctly unpleasant for the both of them.
- Everyone’s screaming for ice cream here.
- Eyyyy, the giant fused entity is dissolving! Presumably into feathers.
- Yyyup. Feathers. Weird-shaped feathers.
- Wait, is Vash falling?
- More screaming, but this time in Japanese.

- LOL, it’s not tenacity but recklessness. Fair. This is Vash we’re talking about.
- I feel like I keep saying this, but Knives doesn’t look so good.
- I keep saying that about Vash, too, but it continues to be true.
- All these freaking feathers. I’m STILL blaming CLAMP for this.
Chapter 6: Mind Games
- Memories for everyone!
- Yeah, Meryl’s allowed to panic a bit when she gets inundated with foreign memories again.
- But look at her, doing her best to stay focused. She knows Vash is at his limit and she’s doing her best to support him.
- UGH, HE CAN FEEL HER EMOTIONS!!! HE CAN FEEL THEM!!!! That there’s a rare genuine Vash smile. He may not know if it’s gonna work, but he’s so grateful for her effort and support. He’s glad she’s here for him right now.

- This is a Thing. Everything dissolves when communication ends. When there’s no more room for it, whatever the reason may be.

- Heh, they call Vash “Red Brother.” I approve. I think he’d like that.
- Love and Peace, yo.
- They’re leaving Knives.
- I bet in Stampede, if they get this far, everything will dissolve into flowers. That is NOT LESS CLAMP-LIKE.
- Ooof, there’s just a mess of bulb-less plants lying everywhere now. That seems dangerous for them.
- This guy doing what he can to communicate via a feather. I approve.
- This scene. I love this scene. I love the tenderness of his touch on the one Plant’s head. I love how he changes his words from a statement of fact, a demand and a command, to a desperate request. I love her smiling peacefully through her tears.

- Vash is up and on his feet!

- After watching Stampede, I read somewhere that someone was saying how those who were familiar with the series were gonna have fun explaining to Stampede-onlies how Knives getting destroyed in July is just him being dramatic. Looking at him missing HUGE CHUNKS of his body and yet still somehow maintaining his basic shape, I can’t help but think he’s being dramatic again.
- “My head’s killing me.” You don’t say? Maybe it’s because HALF OF IT IS MISSING?? What a freaking dork.
- I… honestly don’t know if what Vash is aiming for here is something that can be defined as “freedom.”
- Howwww can there only be two chapters left??? [insert panicked hyperventilating]