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Original Tumblr Post: Chapter 4-5
I’m not usually this awake at this hour, but sometimes one gets a migraine, and even having the massive spoilers I have for this volume, I’m finding others trickling in, so let’s get through a bit more of this before I have to attend morning work meetings.
I’m a profeshunal.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 10, Chapters 4-5 below.
Chapter 4: Death Omen
- As if we haven’t had enough death omens since… like… volume 2 of the original manga….
- Am I gonna get to watch these two move in beautiful tandem for a fight again? Please say yes.
- What are you talking about, Vash? This is the perfect time for reminiscing!
- You’re gonna do what now, Wolfwood? My dude, don’t be prideful here. That already almost got you killed once in this volume. Just let Vash help you.
- THAT’S RIGHT, YOU TELL HIM VASH!!! Not like Wolfwood could stop Vash from helping, anyway.
- Ohhh, shit, we’re gonna go there now, are we? *deep breaths*
- What a time for Vash to remember this scene. Strange that this is what he thinks of when he thinks about how close they’ve become. But perhaps that’s when he realized how much Wolfwood genuinely cared about him. Also, I love how this memory interjects this sudden quietness in what’s a very chaotic scene.
- Vash is thinking about all the things Wolfwood has told him about why Wolfwood kills. As tragic as it might be, sometimes there are things one can only protect using extreme measures. One should always seek alternate solutions, if one can, but sometimes that’s just not an option.
- I’d bet good money that what Vash is specifically debating here is what extremes he’s willing to go through to protect Wolfwood.
- Yeah. There it is.
- Heh, we get that line, and then we have Vash catch Wolfwood in almost an embrace. You can’t tell me Nightow didn’t know what he was doing here.
- Ohhh, he can sense it in Wolfwood’s body. His mans is not doing good.
- This… this isn’t the in-tandem fighting I wanted to see.
- They’ve awoken angry protector Vash.
- Man, he almost headshot Razlo. I feel like that might be the closest Raz is gonna get to a warning shot.
- Hahahahaha, I was under the impression it was Wolfwood telling Vash to destroy someone in this panel. It just doesn’t seem like something Vash would say. But they done really pissed him off.
- Wolfwood gets how much he means to Vash here, too. Finally, these idiots understand each other, but… of course, it’s a bit late in the game, isn’t it.
- Heh. Wolfwood’s gonna give Raz an appropriate dressing down from his older brother.
- Raz doesn’t buy it.
- The third arm is still stupid, but the layout of this panel is bomb.
- That’s so many bullets. Raz is getting his ammo from the same nebulous void that generates the unending ammo in Hellsing.
- I always love seeing Wolfwood use the Punisher as a shield instead of a gun. There’s something about the subversion of its intended purpose that just hits the right spot for me.
Chapter 5: Final Battle
- This chapter title sucks. How dare it be the final battle. There are still four volumes to go….
- Oof, there go Wolfwood’s sunglasses. Matrix rules say he’s in for it now.
- Shoot, the gun didn’t fire. But… does the Punisher even fire that way??
- Raz makes Wolfwood look so small…
- Did Wolfwood just disable one of Raz’s Punishers?
- Damn, kicking the empty magazine into Raz’s chest is a crazy move.
- RIP dumb metal arm. A very good tactical move since it’s the one arm Raz can’t regenerate.
- Vash is just… watching. He knows this is what Wolfwood wants, but he doesn’t look the least bit happy with this situation.
- I’m not sure if it’s Raz or Wolfwood speaking here, but if it’s Raz, he sounds like someone who’s trying to keep themselves psyched up when they’re very clearly losing. If it’s Wolfwood, then Wolfwood is just taunting him, since he’s clearly already taken the upper hand.
- Who knows what’s happening in this panel. I assume they’re sparring with the Punishers like they’re giant swords.
- So many bullets….
- Heh, Wolfwood’s using the ammo belt itself as a weapon.
- I appreciate how the Punisher’s diminishing stability here reflects Wolfwood’s physical state. He’s going down, but goshdarn, if he isn’t making use of every resource at his disposal, even if it’s in very non-traditional ways, to make sure he gets the job done.
- Dang, he done fucked Raz up.
- LOL, Raz gets it. Bit late, bro.
- Seems like the only thing that’s incensing Raz more than the thought of dying to Wolfwood is the thought of not dying to Wolfwood. That Wolfwood might show him mercy in the end.
- Or maybe he just doesn’t want to go out via something as simple as a punch to the face.
That’ll do for now. I’ll save the rest of the pain for… later….