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Original Tumblr Post: On those salmon sandwiches
On those salmon sandwiches
There was a Tumblr post I saw a while back (and I now can no longer locate) that commented on how funny it was that salmon apparently exists on a desert planet.
Well I thought about it, and I see this detail about the salmon sandwiches as a little wink and a nudge of a biblical reference. Loaves and fishes, ya know?
All four canonical gospels contain an account in which Jesus miraculously multiplies five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5000 people. Fittingly enough, we have the above mention of salmon sandwiches in a conversation about Vash giving away a massive amount of money to help a town in need. $$700,000 falling right in their laps? That sure would feel like divine providence.
Also I love that narrow panel of him feeding the cat. Kitty can have a piece of biblical allusion as a treat.