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Original Tumblr Post: Crucifixion-adjacent injuries tally update
Crucifixion-adjacent injuries tally update
Bookclub tally update – volume 7 brings my count of Vash’s crucifixion-adjacent wounds up to five. What an emotionally turbulent volume this is!

Trimax Vol 7, Chp 6 – Knives impales Vash through the wrist and attempts to assimilate him.
It’s striking how the image of the impaled wrist is paired with Knives’ declaration of “you can live on within me” (Overhaul’s translation), because in Christianity, Jesus is thought of as an indwelling presence within his followers. In Galations 2:20, Paul writes “and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.” And in Jesus’ bread of life speech from John 6, he says “those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.”
What I see in the panel above is an illustration of how Knives forces Vash into a corrupted Christ figure role – Knives deliberately crucifies and then tries to devour his brother as a means of achieving what he sees as salvation. But unlike Paul, Knives isn’t interested in ceding authority over his life to the savior he wants to make a part of him. Instead, Knives wants his savior to live within him as something fully subservient to his own will, as another weapon in his arsenal he can use to seek revenge.