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Original Tumblr Post: Vash pocketing guns
Vash pocketing guns
Happy @trigunbookclub!
I wanted to add one of my personal favourite details of Trigun vol 1 chapter 1. The manga is packed with tiny details that are never explained, just small blink and you’ll miss it happenings the panels that are hilarious on their own.
This one includes the progression of Vash just picking up guns and putting them in his pockets in the background.

Starts with Vash playing dead after a gang of bounty hunters shoot up a restaurant to get to him. There’s a kid there with a toy gun, we see this toy gun on the floor in the top right panel. Then we see Vash on the floor as well, his right hand out of frame. Considering the floorboards and the framing of both these panels, we can assume the toy gun is close to his right hand.

As a bounty hunter comes over to check if Vash is really dead, he sticks his finger in the barrel, scaring the bounty hunter, making him freeze up and unable to warn his buddies.

Vash returns to exchange some quips with the bounty hunters, revealing he’s very much alive. Note that Vash’s right hand is still out of frame but his left hand still had the finger in the bounty hunter’s gun barrel, a gun which is now hanging freely.

Upon being threatened, Vash shows off his lightning gun arm by shooting all of the bounty hunters in the face with a toy gun before they could even blink. I think he picked that toy gun up from the floor when he got up again, preparing for this little trick.

Not only did he prepare for the toy gun scare, he also counted all the bullets used by the bounty hunters, knowing they were out of ammunition. Vash knows all guns are empty except for one, which also just happens to be the gun he stuck his finger in and slowly took from the other bounty hunter, effectively disarming the only guy who was a threat. That’s when you realize he now has that gun in his left pocket and the toy gun in the right.
I just find it hilarious how Vash has managed to subtly collect these guns in the middle of everything, all with a few visual suggestions on the panels that it was actually happening.