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Vol 9 recap start! It’s late and I’m not having that many clever thoughts, so more just…reacting and saving cool panels 😀
Chapter 1:
Aww Nico and Miss Melanie checking to see how Livio is doing. Nico’s really got the big brother vibes.
Great catch, buddy!
Smiling and laughing little Wolfwood! This is killing me with so much cuteness. Also, love how he got his big Wolfwood nose as a kid too (I mean, of course he does, but then you never know, an author might make all kids look kinda similiar even unintentionally by giving them big kid eyes, small noses and such stuff…it’s just nice to see distinct facial features drawn in different age states)
*** you for that evil trap, Chapel.
Livio not saying anything to that in that one panel is telling a lot actually. Now we know in what way he himself is tied to that orphanage…does he consider it a burden too? I wonder if Chapel struck a nerve with that sentence.
And just like that I knew I was gonna like Livio. Oooh he had it coming.
Hmm love this page. It really feels like the start of something.
Chapter 2:
So so proud of him…I read other bookclub posts about how Wolfwood symbolizes the humanity that CAN change and boy is that right.
I can only imagine Nightow having SO much fun drawing this!! :DD I have no idea but if I’d have to guess I’d say he was just waiting to draw a full page cool blockbuster scene of Wolfwood riding a motorcycle with an explosion in the backgrounds. Probably been wanting to do this since some volumes. And finally got his chance!! Cause there was no need to draw this so action-movie epic-like and he still did, hehe.
First of all, this page here looks so cool! Wolfwood is so shapey, but also the pose and composition…*mwah* Then in this fight we get to see just how good of a fighter Wolfwood actually is. Not that we didn’t witness that before, but it was often together with Vash, or if alone, like with Ninelives, he was struggling quite a bit. But here to me it felt like we get this glimpse of a trained assassin he once was, fully in control of the situation, being fast and efficient (without killing).
Such badassery!!! I’m a big fan of how Livio, despite being fully indoctrined, still kinda protects the orphanage too! Well, maybe it’s also because Chapel is prob sitting there too and they still need to use the orphanage as bait but STILL! I chose to believe that at this point some point inside Livio was still acting out of attachment to his old home.
Chapter 3:
Hey! That’s not a nice thing to say boy! D: Also, she’s obviously trying to reassure the kids so don’t make them more scared by saying it won’t do anything!
Oh fuck. The kids are talking about Nico here but this obviously applies to Vash, as well. Wolfwood can not rely on Vash now who is not around to help.
Also, may I say, what an utterly gorgeous drawing of Wolfwood and Livio.
HMMMM Livio the Double FANG
And in that moment he thinks of that one moment where a person DID need him, where he saved someone :’(
These two pages look soooo cool. I never knew how ominous laundry cool look!
I do wonder…how did Razlo know about the Eye of Michael? Did he meet an informant some time, or overhear smth?
You’re not going to kill your brother now, are you Wolfwood! (Not really brother but brother in heart, you know.)
Chapter 4:
Oh I misremembered, he DID mean to kill Livio? Or only momentarily put him out of order, knowing that he has SOME kind of regeneration abilities? I’m not quite sure now. What I do know is that Chapel has a creepy grin and I want that old man out of my face.
Ah hm maybe I should read at least the next page before rambling off. He really only wanted to incapacitate him. I’m relieved!
Rude! You didn’t need to throw him through a suddenly spawned set of wood!
At this rate, Wolfwood must be riddled with bullets. Shot from behind, from the front, lost a HUGE amount of blood from his shoulder…
…and yet he’s still going on. Oh my boy he’s such an awesome character.
(Also quick side note, love how Nightow draws hands)
Saving this because awesome pages.
This is only the second time we’re seeing these vials being used, right? Funny how quickly they became such an important plot device. (I wonder when Nightow planned them into the story…I’m guessing kinda late? Just wondering)
He must have really trusted on Livio blocking that thing!
Aww 🙁
Making a cut here! The rest will be done in a part 2 post, I don’t want to get to the image limit in the middle of a chapter.