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Quick recap of my thoughts to Vol6 as I’m catching up with the bookclub!
Chapter 1:
The chapter where Marlon is repairing/preparing a new gun for Vash. What’s there to say…big dislike for the Sheriff for punching Vash in the gut completely unasked for. Also big satisfaction at the end where the Sheriff gets to see just HOW good of a gunsman Vash is. Another sweet part is Vash using a shot of the Punisher and how Wolfwood is angry about it at the end! If also read some pretty cool analysis about the part where Meryl asks herself if Vash is even able to still fire a gun after all that happened…I have nothing to add! You all are putting these thoughts and conversations apart and analysing them in a way that I would never think of, I’m gaining so much more insight with the commentary by all the other readers!
Chapter 2:
OOOH it’s that chapter

Sweet Vash is smiling at him and he looks utterly terrified and shocked. And with the hole in the moon behind Vash, as other posts have already pointed out…All in all such a great chapter, with the dream of Wolfwood before, his memories of meeting Knives and then this…about this scene everything has already been said as well! Theres’s only a little smth I’d like to add to this iconic panel:

We all agree Vash was 100% aware of Wolfwood pointing the gun at him. Question is, what does he think of it? I think some people said he knew Wolfwood wouldn’t go through with it. In my opinion, the way he looks so completely tired and worn out….I like to think he was being resigned. If it were an enemy or any other person of course he’d defend himself, but if it’s Wolfwood? I’m not so sure Vash would have tried to avoid the hit. If his best friend thinks he needs to be eliminated for the greater good, I think Vash would accepted it and thought it right. It’s after all what he thinks anyway, that it’s maybe better if he weren’t here on this world. Obviously Vash doesn’t hold it against Wolfwood. Maybe the fact that he had his gun out but didn’t shoot Vash made Wolfwood even dearer to Vash, gaining him more trust and friendship points? Well, much to think about with these two, as always!

He is! The prettiest boy! ♥

An awesome page is an awesome page and must be addid to this post, even if only so I can more quickly find neat references when I’m looking through my bookclub folders later!
Oh and also this fight! I read another post that explained what I didn’t get the first 2 times reading: While fighting they notice that their respective enemies are not suited for their weapons so they change in the blink of an eye! Which is! So cool and says SO much about how they instinctively know each other and their thoughs and fighting so well!! Which also neatly goes back to the gun pointing scene and you know, trust blah blah aaah I love these two.
Chapter 3:
Reading the Overhaul translation for the first time, I think the sass of Elendira gets through much more better, I have such a better feeling for her character here! Also, Legato hanging in that thingie is super funny. That guy is so nuts and I love him and hate him, because he’s such a cool but dislikable character!
Theeeen at the end of the chapter, finally….LIVIOOOOO!! Come here big man. Let me give you a pat on the cheek. The cheek without the skull.
Chapter 4:
Oh yes we see more of Knives! I totally love Knives as a character and I like to see scenes of him…here we get some nice infos about plants. The hair thing. Oh yeah. On my first read I rushed through everything so quickly so I can’t really remember my reactions to all the cool scenes and revelations, but that end of the chapter must have been a definite “OH D: ” moment. Also, what a cool idea in general, the degrading showing in the hair!
Chapter 5:
oh god it’s THAT chapter. (I say to every chapter, because every chapter starts to hurt after vol5) In the church. Here, as well, I have no analysis to further add…just that the emotions displayed here…are so well done. I think in this chapter it really shows just how deep Nightow’s characters are, because we are directly being shown and said that characters, even when drawn wearing smiles, laughing, can be hurting SO SO much deep down. Which makes us question just how much masks of Vash we have seen throughout the series until now? And I like that, I like that characters are not only what they seem and how they appear, and I also like it when we DON’T always get to hear the characters thoughts but can only guess what they must be thinking in some situations. It’s just what makes this manga stand out so much to me compared to other series. (Because here we have no doubt that the character has a life beside the story which we cannot see, and although there are of course many other series which do this great as well, but often I miss this and don’t get this feeling. )
Chapter 6:
And Flashback start! The Flashback arc is also amazing, and it’s still so cruel how cute Knives was as a child. But more of that in the next recap!
EDIT (pictures that I liked):

scenery and backgrounds looking awesome as always

pretty Vash and Knives who looks so young here (after the Last Run)

God he looks so angry and cool here.

Milly protecting Meryl! And…the moment where Milly understands just how much of a show Vash’s smile is.

Tfw when your friends flinch away from you out of fear 🙁 It’s instinctual because of what she went through, but ough.