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Here’s my Trimax vol5 review! Gonna keep it short because I’m a bit behind and all the good stuff has already been said! 🙂 I’ll just be reiterating the stuff I enjoyed and general thoughts! (Also vaguely not spoiler free for around up to vol8.)
Chapter 1:
Oh yeah the July flashback of Vash. God this is so so intense, emotionally. Notonly Vash’s faces, but also how the story is told…it really is the mix between incredibly well drawn emotions AND knowing how to build up tension, how to convey the feelings of the characters and everything that makes Trigun so so good.

Look at that beautiful panel sequence of Vash not having a good time #742.

I just love this page as it is so aesthetically pleasing. The qietness. The foot holding in place after Vash nearly stumbling…the self control emitted by the pose only betrayed by the silent tears streaming down his half-hidden face…

Aaaand Zazie left the stage. Man those sand worms are really huge.

And I love how even though Meryl is definitely going through one or possibly THE worst days of her life…she’s making this face at the end looking like she goes internally “UGH this CAN’T be happening to me” or “fuck this shit I’m far too cute for this stuff” (my interpretation because she is really cute).
Chapter 2:
Ah the chapter were Wolfwood is creeping up on Midvalley (as far as I understand…since he can’t see atm is Wolfwood sensing Midvalley in a way? Like feeling he’s here around somewhere.

And then it’s Milly who saves Wolfwood and also Vash by getting in the way of Midvalley! (that is correct right? This whole stuff still has me vaguely confused even on my third read) Both girls have such great agenda in this story!
Chapter 3:

*cries* Because he’s someone who wants to protect at heart!!! AAAAH!

SUCH a BEAUTIFUL page! Of course also cruel because of the pain Vash endures, his transformation as well…but…it looks just so pretty! So etheral! I think someone else said it looks a bit like a blooming flower and I totally agree!

Little peculiarities, like occasionally closing one eye. I can’t cite other moments but I’m sure we’ve seen the twins do this some times (at least Knives, but I think Vash, too?) Oh oh I just thought of an analysis: Knives doing this, closing one eye…now think of the moment which we’ll see in vol07 I think, where he smears blood over half of his face. His duality, little innocent Knives and a tortured Knives that is scared and knows only violence to defend himself. Inner conflict represented by the unconscious tendency to close one eye.
Chapter 4:
Aah now Meryl gets to see Vash’s memories. She gets to know and understand him so much better, but it’s all a bit too much to take in at once…She’ll need time to process all that for sure but in the end I think it was able to make her belief in Vash so much stronger, because she saw what he went through and how he STILL has resolution, and not abandoned hope.
Oh yeah and the scene between Midvalley and Vash. Lots of other readers upset about Midvalley’s use of the pronoun “it” for Vash and I too, am appalled as well! You people out there wrote enough great analysis about Midvalley and Wolfwood here and that, so I won’t add anything. Just the beautiful contrast of Midvalley calling Vash something so unhuman, and Wolfwood even calling Vash nicknames, which is just the total opposite, and which I find very endearing.

(I hope someone gets the joke so it doesn’t seem too random? it was very funny in my head)

Wolfwood sir do you perhaps recognize the look on Midvalley’s face as the face of someone who’s about to betray and attack their boss? Do you have anything to say on that matter, sir?
Chapter 5:
Oh hmm yummy Legato crushing Midvalley under his bike…yucky
(or as I wrote in my notes in german: JUNGE Legato beruisch disch)
They were also very generous when they worked on Legato’s body with the length of the limbs. They are definitely longer than one needs their limbs to be. Or, re-looking at the next chapter, they are the limbs of his helper-underlings? Still too long!
Aaand Zazie is back in a new body!! I love that character, they are so cool!
And of course, the most awesome surprise in this stand-off: MERYL popping out of under Vash’s wings and turning the tables completely!!
Chapter 6:

Pages that make me love this poor boy even more, #4522


#4524 (the storytelling!!! raaaah)
Oh yeah and these pages below:

This chapter just has so many strong pages, depicting Vash’s turmoil in general (and probably in this moment where he is caught into this transformed state)
And we get Elendira in this chapter!! She’s the coolest B)

Even though filled with nothing but hatred towards Vash, this guy gets it (Vash is just such a pretty boy)

Awww this hug is too sweet!
And that’s it for this volume!