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And the other half for Vol4!

Is this..some insect growing out of Meryl? It looked like that at first to me but it’s probably just a bug she squished with her hand (still yucky. and poor worm)

Aha! More of the bible references…well, it’s Knives with the 12 followers, but Vash has his own followers, too.

Seems like this is a talk they had earlier. It’s the first time the speech bubbles look like this (I think?), and since think bubbles look normally, I’m guessing this is to show it’s a conversation from earlier.

Zazie just kicking him back is so funny, and then Vash landing on top of Wolfwood…so many dorky moments 😀 And look! Even the eyes of the sandworm are looking funnily ar Vash!

Saved these pages because I like how the setting looks a bit different to what we’re used! All towns looked kinda similiar in style until now, but this one stands out a bit (is supposed to, storywise).

For whatever reason you’re posing so cool like this, I’ll take it, Wolfwood. Also, your yaoi shoulders are showing.

“We’re being dragged along this road and I’ll cover it all in blood” is such a cool sentence. Wolfwood really is like a fierce wolf. He’s doing anything to protect his pack, his family and what he must, and has accepted that is it is role to do so even if it means to kill and spill blood. I love you, silly little guy!

Also a very strong arc for Milly. Maaaan I can’t wait for her to appear in Stampede.

I finally understood where all that water came from! There was a water container that was damaged in this attack.

As a consequence we’re left with these really cool panels of Wolfwood being soaking wet. And, I love how the water turns the bottom suddenly into a light source!

I like my favs being tortured but still…poor woowoo

ooh ok this here: Did Wolfwood actually let out a scream? Are these soundeffects where he throws back his head sounds of a scream? Because if not, I might actually lean to another explanation of what Vash is hearing now: there’s this telepathy thing Vash has been associated with, and I’ve read from another person that, with a scene later in the manga, it would actually make sense to think that Vash could have the ability to hear thoughts. He can transmit thoughts and feelings with his sisters and his brother too, though they are all plants, so that’s more understandable. It could be a wide stretch and it’s definitely not something that is explicitly sayed throughout the series, but the way he is clutching his ear (making it seem more like the sound he is hearing is coming from inside his head) and how in the panel above we have only the wail of a baby but no shout of Wolfwood himself (though he might have screamed 2 pages earlier), I like to think he hears Wolfwood’s scream in his head. It’s just a neat image and headcanon.

She’s proven to be determined and she is def strong, but these battles of hatred and bloodlust (like said on the following page) are just not her world. You’re too kind a sould for this, Milly!

Hell yeah one of the most epic Wolfwood’s panels ever (there are a lot but this one ranges in the top).

And the following 2 pages are so neat! Wolfwood’s body is completely reacting on autopilot.

Autopilot because here he’s still not really conscious! It’s just shortly after that he actually regains consciousness. Also that panel of him lying there? Damn.

And another cool information that I forgot! Cool that Zazie can do that! So they can do that with Vash and Knives as well…

A thing I didn’t really understand in my first read: He’s searching for the punisher because he is blinded and can’t use the eyes for the moment! If you don’t understand this this is a bit confusing to read….

Took me my third reread to understand that this is Vash’s shadow lying on the cables here in the bottom panel. Also loving these city view panels and all the details (from this page but also every page before). Vash caught in a web!

He..he does! But he won’t because of his own promise. But yeah, Vash also feels anger, and maybe also fury, and maybe hatred and everything as well, but he doesn’t let himself act on it.

Concluding this volume with this beautiful view of Wolfwood being into thoughts. He looks so soft here, vulnerable too…as he is being part of a fate that he never wanted but can not escape.