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Review for chapters 4-6 under the cut!
Chapter 4:

Oooh Elendira is removing her under gear! (is that the term? the restraints, as she said)

djsfas their height and body differences. If they weren’t trying to kill each other they could be so cute together (they still are, just in a very deadly way)

It was long overdue that we really got to see how good Elendira really fights when she’s giving it her all! Very cool pose.

I might just have not read so thoroughly, but I wonder where they got their information about the planet’s state? Like, knowing about Luida…

…but also about Vash? Is this information they got from the hivemind look into Knives’ plant amalgamation, or have did they have other resources I forgot, like listening to radio frequencies, or stuff? I’ll be waiting to see if any of you guys have any better idea about this.

Oooh and he can feel Vash’s aura. Really cool that you are first only shown Legato’s reaction and the fog…

…and THEN the destroyed Legato-gadget (Legadget) which even makes him flinch.

AND BAM banger of a page. It’s Vash with his black coat. I love love the idea to also turn the coat black, to change that design for this moment, to really show he’s that much closer to death. And the pose oh my. Still…well not really standing. But head bowed low. Holding onto himself like in pain. Gun cast downwards like his power has lost him. And the myriad of bullets lying around him to depict how much he just used…
I really just love black coat Vash. It’s giving me emotions because it’s the embodyment of his lowest point in life. It’s so tragic…
(and it also looks so cool)

Chapter 5:

Trimax is making me sometimes think my reading comprehension is bad but is…Razlo owing the debt to Livio? Is it not Livio who is alive thanks to Razlo?

Don’t mind me, just putting these into my Crimsonfang collection.

My boy is having fun!!! <3

I really hope that they’ll have Elendira grown up in season 2 of stampede (looks like that going by drawings we have seen!) and be her just as intimidating an opponent as here in Trimax.

Only high quality pages here, damn.
Chapter 6:

With how good of a fighter Razlo is, this must be one of the very few, if not the first occassion he’s feeling something like fear for his life…

The vial!! The vial from Wolfwood! The vial given by Vash to save Livio! Wolfwood’s vial!

Anytime Wolfwood appears after vol10 it deals -20 instant damage.

On the next pages Elendira states that they switched personalities again, so I tried to pinpoint the moment, as this looks like it! Razlo’s eye is fading out, but in the next panel we have the eye on the reader’s left, Livio’s metaphorical half, being shown! Nicely done artistically!

Little emote Raz <:3

Aaah it’s so cool that with vol10 the Razlo thing isn’t just over, but we get more and it’s being addressed again!

Aw I’d like to think that Razlo is crying because he’s moved…like this is a big and important conversation for him too, and it probably means a lot to him that Livio apologizes again. And Razlo saying he’s not good at this feeling stuff! Daww.

Not necessarily an intended parallel, but a nice one still: Both times judgement being cast from above. Wolfwood was struck by Chapel’s gun fire afterwards but Livio can evade Elendira’s nails! Not that I’m drawing a connection between Elendira and Chapel, I just think it’s neat how we have these similiar pages for Wolfwood and Livio.

What I also really enjoy is that Livio manages to get back into the fight and keep up against Elendira not by miraculously getting stronger, but by teaming up with Razlo! It feels important to his character arc that this is what helps him in this most important battle. Before they’d done everything seperately, but now..!

Whoopsie. Elendira seems to have something up her sleeve that even Razlo isn’t sure he’ll be able to help. Now all he can do is trust Livio that he’ll be the one to finish this for once!
Next and last chapters for this volume in the next post!