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I’m early for this one cause I won’t have time the rest of the week. And as a bonus it’s like doing the presentation first: after that I can lay back, watching all the others knowing that I’ve put it already behind me.
This is only part1 but I trust you’ve read the whole volume when you read this commentary! I might make 3 parts with all the images I’m putting in this now, haha….
Chapter 1:
Sad music playing in the bg, all other noises canceled out, room relatively cool: let’s go.

I can’t get over the fact how Wolfwood’s playing scnes with Vash out in his head. And this moment here! It was such an important discussion, their first clash of ideals….And now Wolfwood wants to prove him wrong. That he is NOT giving up hope so easily.

“Do not tell me you are betting on hopes” I thought you were some kind of religious cult?? Believing in the holy creatures? Well there really isn’t much believe left in this dying old man. Such a poor soul. He doesn’t believe in his own religion. He might once have believed in his god (aka Knives) but would want him dead now- only that he doesn’t believe he can kill him so he doesn’t believe in a future for anyone. He doesn’t believe in his pupils and doesn’t believe them when they say they might know a way of salvation. And now he’s just trying to drag everybody down with him.

And Wolfwood IS believing….with his whole heart and without a doubt. Oh my god.
(And he hasn’t forsaken you either!!!)

Disapproving of this weapon head tilt which is reserved for gay battle couples only!

Can you stop shooting this man for one fucking second



I wonder if we can read this hesitation by Razlo as a sentiment of Livio deep deep within who might NOT want to kill Wolfwood? It could also just be Razlo’s shock at seeing how he misinterpreted his opponent though.

Go to hell old man.
Chapter 2:

I need to remind myself that Razlo is not just “kill kill kill!” or blindly following Chapel. He’s also nuanced and got lots of respect for this worthy opponent (and ex colleague of his, ex friend/brother of Livio).

This title here is giving me emotions and I want that image as a patch to sew on my backpack please

I can’t really distinguish…is he talking about a bad chill? As in making him uneasy? He looks like it, but I’m not sure..

I gotta say shooting yourself is a hardcore statement. Great, now he’s a MAD angry old ass of a man.
But to Razlo I say: Have your forgotten the girl Livio saved??? And you, yous saved Razlo countless times!! Did they not need you both? D:

Miss Melanie is such a lovable character!! Go and protect your kids…even if you know the enemy is far too powerful! I love this little comedic moment in between this whole mess (And sh reminds me a bit of my mother, too)

Why else? Because you’re an arsehole maybe, or because he has learned that he can chose not to be a killer and be a decent person?

This is such such such an evil move of Chapel. “Here, look at this boy, once innocent and a part of your family…now he’s changed into a disgusting creature! Look at him and judge him and laugh at him and his poor life.”

And the worst part, exactly this has been one of Wolfwood’s biggest fears. Because next to not being able to save his family at the orphanage…if one of them would see Wolfwood as he is now and decide that he is a despicable person, someone who doesn’t deserve redemption, it would mean he is truly lost. Then he would be only a killer and nothing more.

Thank god Melanie is having none of it. And look how Wolfwood’s eye that was just a moment ago wide with shock is closing, his whole feature relaxing. This is what he needed…her telling him that he could have come home anytime. That he is still and will always be! A part of their family.

Of course you moron you could have done this together!! If you didn’t run off alone…trying to do things on your own. Somehow, now that I think about this…this really feels like act of a boy that didn’t have time to grow up. Running off to the orphanage was not Wolfwood- it was Nicholas doing it. Not Wolfwood the Punisher but Nicholas the Boy. Why is this thought making me emotional?

Fuck we see him thinking, thinking fast of a way to still save the situation, seeing the vials, maybe wondering if he will be able to do it with them can he do it can he do it

You godforsaken idiot why did you have to bite them down and seal your fate

And in the moment when Nicholas needed him most, Vash came. But he came a second too late.
Look, there’s just something about Vash coming to his rescue in this moment where Wolfwood is at his lowest. Completely ripped apart, laid bare before his loved ones…These two pages, and the sole sentence “I’ve made a friend” is something so poetic…they make me internally scream because YES you’ve made a friend, you both love and trust each other deeply…you really have made such a good friend. SOBBING