The Trigun Bookclub, run by revenantghost, is dedicated to the collective reading and analysis of the entire Trigun manga. This archive contains posts made during the 2023 bookclub run.
Collected By Manga Volume
Trigun Volume 1
Week 1: June 5th – June 11th
Trigun Volume 2
Week 2: June 12th – June 18th
Trigun Maximum Volume 1
Week 3: June 19th – June 25th
Trigun Maximum Volume 2
Week 4: June 26th – July 2nd
Trigun Maximum Volume 3
Week 5: July 3rd – July 9th
Trigun Maximum Volume 4
Week 6: July 10th – July 16th
Trigun Maximum Volume 5
Week 7: July 17th – July 23rd
Trigun Maximum Volume 6
Week 8: July 24th – July 30th
Trigun Maximum Volume 7
Week 9: July 31st – August 6th
Trigun Maximum Volume 8
Week 10: August 7th – August 13th
Trigun Maximum Volume 9
Week 11: August 14th – August 20th
Trigun Maximum Volume 10
Week 12: August 21st – August 27th
Trigun Maximum Volume 11
Week 13: August 28th – September 3rd
Trigun Maximum Volume 12
Week 14: September 4th – September 10th
Trigun Maximum Volume 13
Week 15: September 11th – September 17th
Trigun Maximum Volume 14
Week 16: September 18th – September 24th
General Commentary
Bookclub posts about the manga in general rather than a specific volume.