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Original Tumblr Post: Vash’s question and answer
Vash’s question and answer
I still have no idea what I really want to say about this but I want to get it posted before we head into week 2 of Trigun Bookclub, so here, have these 2 pages from chapter 5 posted side by side:

I guess it just breaks my heart a little when Vash gets to see Rem in the people around him.
Kaite looking forward in the panel, looking toward the future, never having really thought about whether being on this planet is a good thing or a bad thing because humanity is here now, that’s all Katie’s ever known, and all that’s left is to keep moving forward.
Kaite telling him he sounds like an old man, then in his dream, Rem telling him he sounds like an old man.
And it’s worth noting that while these pages are separated by most of the chapter, they happen back to back for Vash, and I think the dream is a direct result of that conversation.
Then I think this page in chapter nine is the conclusion to the thought-lines started in the pages above.

After everything that happened, Kaite looks out toward the morning and the new day and sings. And it’s the song that Rem loved. There’s so much grief in these pages, in him still seeing Rem and still asking himself why. Why people go on living, why she traded her own life for everyone else’s, and he’s still finding those answers over and over. And I think the answer is that the future is worth it. It’s worth looking towards and fighting for and sacrificing for. That next morning, that new day is worth seeing, and it’s something everyone deserves.
Then of course, in typical Vash fashion, we have him playing off his tears as something comical and that breaks my heart in a whole new way.