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Original Tumblr Post: Just every Kuroneko-sama in the first volume in chronological order (i hope i did not miss her somewhere)
Just every Kuroneko-sama in the first volume in chronological order (i hope i did not miss her somewhere)
(i’m not normal about trigun. ignore me pls /lh /j)
EDIT (29th July, 2023) I FORGOT ONE
Okay. So. I feel that just screenshotting her isn’t enough. So some statistics will be a nice addition 🙂
(If you found her somewhere else in the first volume, pls say it or I’ll not be accurate) (i’m doing a cut just for practicality)
So, what am I doing here ? Knowing how many pages she appears and the percentage of it. So some kinda “useless” (nothing is really useless, but right now I don’t see the imidate utility) data.
At week 16 (so last trigunbookclub week), I’ll be (if I do not give up) posting how much she was in the whole manga (trigun+trimax), by pages, percentage, what kind of pages (double/non canon ones etc) and some things else that I don’t know now (maybe the chances of seeing her in a page) (I’m bad at math so don’t expect too much, I just know how to do percentage lol)
How do I count ? -I’m doing it by pages, and not by panels bc tbh it’s too much for me. -I’m not counting the pages; I’m just trusting the number in the name of the pages by the trigun ultimate overhaul project (counting things is actually difficult for me for some weird reasons ?) -Double pages count as 2 pages, not one. -If she ever appears twice on a page, it still counts as one (1) appearance. I’m interested in how many pages she appears on, not how much she appears, if any of that makes sense -Of course, if she appears on a double page, I’ll be counting as one (1) if she appears on one (1) side, both sides = two (2) appearances if she’s not in the middle of it (-> in that case I’ll be counting her as 0.5 for fun in my head, but it’ll be shown as one (1) -Cover/alt covers do not count, but I’ll be showing her anyway if she appears in one (maybe another data for that ? not sure.) -BUT the pages at the end that aren’t canon count. -I also count the chapter’s covers !
TrigunVol1= 359 pages TrigunVol1=13 chapters Kuroneko-sama count = 5 + 1 (edit 19july) (p°56 ch2 a panel just for her edit29july, she’s there twice yawning; p°99 ch3 on milly’s arm; p°104 ch4 vash gives her food/panel with her; p°109 ch4 she’s eating/panel just for her; p°246 ch9 chcover at the right of the title)
PgKuro= 5/359 pages | ~1.4% of pages ChKuro= 4/13 chapters | ~30.8% of chapters
I’m just making data, draw your own conclusions o/
Maybe next time I’ll do more of that, but right now I don’t have that much imagination about what I should do with her and her appearances !