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Original Tumblr Post: Chapter 7-8
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 1, Chapters 7-8 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
Chapter 7: Rem
- Who counts speed in decimal points of MPH?!
- I’m laughing so hard over the ominous kyuru-kyuru-kyuru of the squeaking wheel.

- Dang, that’s so many communication tubes…
- LOL, I can’t believe Vash took the time to make a sign and stick it to one of the mook’s backs.
- “That blond twit” is probably one of the nicer things people have called Vash, TBF. I don’t think that title would bother him much.
- Heheheheheh, Vash just… randomly having high-tech lost technology tiny radio gadgets on him. Because of course he does.
- This is true. Also, he probably doesn’t want to. He should probably just explain by smiling and saying, “I’m Vash the Stampede!” That would probably be enough.

- Aw, man. Things are already not going their way.
- I love, love how strongly Vash reacts to realizing he accidentally injured someone badly. It hurts to see, but it tells us so much about his character.
- Current favorite Vash Serious Pose:

- Oh, child. Vash knows EXACTLY what he’s doing and what the risks are.
- Vash is telling Katie to remember Rem’s name, but without context, it’s just gonna be confusing for the kid.
- I appreciate the little detail that, now that the injured peon is being treated for his wound, we see his face. Now he’s no longer a faceless peon. Now he’s a person.
- I’ve seen other people say it, but I’m gonna say it, too. Vash is absolutely not underestimating people.
- I love how Vash’s face is covered in this panel. I love how it obscures our perception of how he’s reacting to this. I love how hard this hits when you know his history.

- “Your ticket to the future is always blank.”
- Yeah, Shinypants McGee gets it. He recognizes skill when he sees it.
- Poor Vash has been running around too much with all this. He needs a nap and some juice. And… uh… medical treatment.
- That… is the exact opposite of “the only clear room.”
- And yet, Vash’s first concern is making sure Katie is safe.
Chapter 8: Duelists
- Aww, colored Milly and Meryl!
- And here the ship’s captain is like, “Yep, I’m now putting all my hopes into the hands of some rando I haven’t even met because he may or may not be giving Shinypants McGee trouble.”
- Someone’s been dodging bullets again, I see…
- Current favorite Vash Annoyed Pose:

- Dear lord, this crotch shot. It’s upsetting. Suffer with me (and the kid) as I post a picture of it.

- Pfft. I’m pretty sure only a couple chapters back Vash was talking about how people’s hearts in this world were so dry it made him wonder why folks go on living. I think he knows that reality isn’t exactly pretty.
- LOL, Milly just inventing a cool name for herself on the spot.
- Overlook today’s events?? Why is she blaming Vash for today’s events?! He’s been doing his darndest to STOP today’s events, and he certainly didn’t put them in motion!
- Hahahaha, seems like the peons didn’t realize they were up against Mr. The Stampede.
- Dang, Vash cutting right to the point there. He just straight-up deduces Shinypants McGee lost family in July. Shinypants denies it, but methinks this good sir doth protest too much.
- Alas, no answers for anyone here.
- Despite everything this guy’s done, Vash trusts he’ll honor the bargain of the duel and agrees to it.
- I love that Meryl and Milly are still running around in their peon suits.
- Really, all Shinypants has to do is drag this out. He doesn’t have to win. If he takes too long, the ship is lost regardless. But if he takes too too long, he’ll go down with it.
- This guy opens fire wildly, but Vash… he only shot a single bullet, yeah?
- Oh, babygirl. Where’s your band-aid??
- Sure, he’s honoring his bargain, but the situation just went from bad to worse.