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Compare Canons: Manga: Plant Biology | Stampede: Plant Biology | 1998: Plant Biology
Information on the general biology of plants in Trigun Stampede (2023).
Basic Physiology | Core | Higher Dimension | Last Run | Origin and Reproduction | Plant Structures | Plant Types | Treatment By Humans
SEEDS Plant Areas
We see dependent plants being kept in SEEDS motherships and plant carriers. When the plants are healthy, they glow a gentle blue. When they are in distress or unhealthy, the plants glow a magenta-tinged red. In “Our Home“, the distress of one plant appears to cause all connected plants to turn red along with them. When the plants start to die, their glow fades to a dull, murky, dark red. When the Last Run is performed, the plants glow a final burst of bright, intense red.
A SEEDS mothership holds at least eight rows of 20 plants each, for a minimum of 160 plants. A SEEDS plant carrier holds at least six rows of 20 plants each, for a minimum of 120 plants. The areas may be larger than the portion visible on screen, and there may be more than one area per ship.
Plants are mounted on the inner wall of the plant area, but can be brought forward to the central access pathway via a carrier system when needed. The central pathway has several large, round sections where plant engineers can work together on one or more plants.

The SEEDS03 control panel for the plants consists of a glass-based touch-interface, similar to Luida’s tablet, and a set of manual controls that may work to bring plants up to the platform for access, and then back to the wall. The glass interface contains various hexagonal readouts that show the condition of the plant, as well as a keyboard input area.

Jeneora Rock
Sand Steamer
The Sand Steamer contained a single powerful plant. It was kept behind a locked door that Vash shot open. The central plant tank is massive and surrounded by a walkway. Despite the large tank, the plant size remains the same. An implication is that the tank size and liquid-medium capacity may relate to plant strength.
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Knives’ Ark/Conrad’s Lab
Knives and Conrad’s base of operations in July is a large building perched atop a tall narrow elevator shaft, towering over JuLai. This building is actually a ship, able to detach from the elevator shaft and fly away from JuLai at the end of “High Noon at July”. It appears to be an analog to the Ark in the Trigun manga.
Red Plant Storage
The ship building contains a storage area for all of the red plants that Knives has taken from human settlements.
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Hybrid Tanks
The ship building contains a special room for human-plant hybrids to rest in their tanks. Elendira and Grey the Nine-Lives are seen within the tanks.
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Impregnation Tank
The ship building contains a very large tank filled with healthy plants, for the execution of Knives’ plan to take over Vash, control his gate, access the Core, and impregnate the healthy plants to produce new independent plants. There is also a control panel outside the tank for Conrad to operate.
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Compare Canons: Manga: Plant Biology | Stampede: Plant Biology | 1998: Plant Biology