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The Seven Cities: 1st City of November | 2nd City of December | 3rd City of JuLai | 4th City of Augusta | 5th City of Octoburn | 6th City of May | 7th City of September
Research Help: sutekiniichan
Seven Cities Union
JuLai is considered the third city of the Seven Cities Union. According to Studio Orange’s Story Conceptual Fragments: About the Seven Cities, the city was established in July, Planetary Era 1.
Official Symbol
Each city in the Seven Cities Union has an official symbol used for communication and paperwork, typically printed or stamped in red ink. JuLai’s symbol is an open octagon with a stylized S in the center which resembles the Japanese symbol called the futatsudomoe (meaning ‘two tomoe’, tomoe referring to the teardrop or comma-like shape.
There are other symbols with different numbers of tomoe, the most common being three tomoe. While the exact origin of the symbol is unknown, it has been used in contexts of religion, philosophy, and martial arts. The futatsudomoe specifically bears resemblance to the yin-yang symbol. It should be noted that JuLai appears to have a strong Asian influence in its culture.

Studio Orange Conceptual Fragments
William Conrad, who was the leader of the Project SEEDS science division, proactively developed the city so it can sustain his research base with the alias Revenant Vazquez. Conrad was a top-notch plant engineer and maximized the efficiency of the surviving environmental and general-purpose plants and developed the city into the wealthiest in No Man’s Land Revenant Vazquez deliberately controlled the population in July. Individuals must contribute to the city’s development and pass a screening process to obtain citizenship. This system is strictly enforced to prevent excessive strain on the plants.
Studio Orange’s Story Conceptual Fragments: About the Seven Cities

JuLai or July?
Both July and JuLai are used in Trigun Stampede, with JuLai used for the English sub translation dialogue. The official account has clarified that both spellings are correct. JuLai is a romanization of kanji that is also used to spell July 儒來 儒 – Ju 來 – Lai

Bounty for Vash the Stampede
In “NOMAN’S LAND“, JuLai puts out a new bounty for Vash the Stampede. The JuLai symbol is seen on the bounty poster. The bounty is for $$6,000,000 — six million double dollars — and Vash must be brought in alive.
It is strongly implied that it was Millions Knives who set the bounty, as part of his efforts to force Vash to meet him in JuLai. The bounty’s value is explicitly described to be the same as the cost of a new plant in “NOMAN’S LAND“.

JuLai Military Police
Piano logo
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The Seven Cities: 1st City of November | 2nd City of December | 3rd City of JuLai | 4th City of Augusta | 5th City of Octoburn | 6th City of May | 7th City of September