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The Seven Cities: 1st City of November | 2nd City of December | 3rd City of JuLai | 4th City of Augusta | 5th City of Octoburn | 6th City of May | 7th City of September
Research Help: sutekiniichan
Seven Cities Union
December is considered the second city of the Seven Cities Union. According to Studio Orange’s Story Conceptual Fragments: About the Seven Cities, the city was established on December in the same year that the city of November was established, year unknown but before Planetary Era 1.
Official Symbol
Each city in the Seven Cities Union has an official symbol used for communication and paperwork, typically printed or stamped in red ink. December’s symbol is a circle split in two halves, with downward points at the top of each half.

Studio Orange Conceptual Fragments
This city boasts the largest population and number of plants in No Man’s Land. It was the second to declared itself the rule of law city. During the Big Fall, the ship made a nearly parallel crash landing to the ground, leaving many of its weapons intact, including the ion cannon mounted on its bow, which was designed for destroying obstacles. The ion cannon became a deterrent against external threats and significantly contributed to the city’s growth and development.
Studio Orange’s Story Conceptual Fragments: About the Seven Cities

Bounty for Vash the Stampede
In “High Noon at July“, two years after the destruction of JuLai, December has a bounty out for Vash the Stampede. The December symbol is seen on the bounty poster. The bounty is for $$60,000,000,000: sixty billion double dollars. It should be noted that while Vash’s JuLai bounty wanted him alive, December will take him dead or alive.

Back to the Trigun Atlas
The Seven Cities: 1st City of November | 2nd City of December | 3rd City of JuLai | 4th City of Augusta | 5th City of Octoburn | 6th City of May | 7th City of September